·Ron Perelman refused to speak to Ellen Barkin after catching her love scene with Laurence Fishburne in Bad Company, made 11 years before meeting his wife. He does not, however, have any problems with the fact that she married him for his money. [Lowdown]

·Ted Koppel, tells this Sunday's New York Times Magazine that the problem with network TV news is "they're giving up some of the very things that can differentiate them from the bloggers." What — a salary? [E&P]

·After NYT writer Alessandra Stanley s bizarre rant on Katie Couric (who must have stolen her date to the junior prom) and her flashy legs, Couric has been wearing pants and plants. [Page Six]

·"The Simpsons: No End in Sight" — when people are referring to a television show as if it were a war, it's probably time to pull the plug. [The Scotsman] [NYT]

·On last night s Access Hollywood, Katie Holmes father, Martin Holmes, released a statement saying he is happy and excited" about his daughter's relationship with Tom Cruise. Of course he is it s not like she s going to be fucking him. [Access Hollywood]