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"There's something eerie about Paris Hilton," says the Daily News this fine morning, introducing an exegesis of her utterances in an attempt to answer the cosmic question: Serious or Serious Ditz? Actually, there's something eerie about anyone anyone spending that much time thinking about her. And then there's Liz Smith on the alleged ruputure between Paris and the newly svelte Nicole ("She looks better than Paris now") Richie :

Miss Hilton, released a statement on the "breakup" with these words, "Nicole knows what she did." (Yeah, she got a stylist and a tapeworm.) Funnily enough, Hilton used the exact phrase Tom Cruise uttered when he broke with Nicole Kidman. Of course, that was the end of a marriage with children. This is the end of a publicity stunt of children.

Paris isn't always a total heir-head [NYDN]
Liz Smith