Since we have no lawyers and no conscience whatsoever, here's the latest installment of Blind Item Guessing Game. You know the drill: You guess, we post. Holla back!

· Which graying leading man should tell his actress wife to pipe down? On a recent afternoon, she screamed at a pair of Mexican laborers toiling outside the couple's Greenwich Village townhouse because one had used the bathroom without her permission.

· Which wholesome Hollywood starlet, who also sings, was pregnant by her big-time boyfriend? A waiter at Koi overheard them fighting about whether or not she was going to keep his baby and it looks like she didn't.

· Which teen queen followed Duran Duran to the band's hotel and then misbehaved with a tough-guy actor? The hard-partying star demanded to use one of the band's rooms, where she was found with "piles of coke" and a well-known Hollywood badboy.

Just Asking [Page Six]