Steve Schwarzman and Rupert Murdoch may live in New York's most expensive co-op apartments, but their Manhattan Gold Coast neighborhood leaves a little something to be desired, say the folks at Forbes, which lists the zip codes with the nation's most expensive housing. Top of the heap (based on median home prices) is Atherton, California, the 740 Park of Silicon Valley. California takes the four top spots on the list while New York doesn't even make the Top Ten. It's Tribeca (10013), in thirteenth place, that wins the honors for costliest 'hood in the city. Tribeca Film Festival-goers will be happy to note that Beverly Hills follows at number fifteen. And the high-falutin' Upper East Side? Zip codes 10128 and 10028 come in at 149th and 150th place respectively. Eat your heart out 10021.—MG
Most Expensive ZIP Codes 2005 [Forbes]