In the spirit of letting the readers do all the work, here's your latest creeptastic celebrity sightings, including more news on Minnie Driver's low ATM balance (hey, we ain't gonna 'front — we don't even have a checking account) and an encounter with Andrew ("What about prom, Blaine!?") McCarthy. Got more? Send 'em to

In this edition: Paul Scheer, Minnie Driver, Liev Schreiber, Alan Alda, Michael Stipe and Bokeem Woodbine, Carolyn Murphy, Incubus singer Brandon Something, Philip Bloch, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gisele Bundchen, Naima, Andre 3000, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Carson Kressley, Ben Lee, Jennifer Beals, Julia Roberts, Elle MacPherson, Tim Robbins, Vincent D Onofrio, Fergi, Bjork, Owen Wilson, Catherine Keener, Illeana Douglas, Jimmy Fallon, a stray Olsen twin, Matt Dillon, Matthew Barney, Robin Williams, David Carradine, Kristen Davis, Liev Schreiber, Steve Van Zandt, Marc Maron, Nicole Kidman, Billy Joel, Paul McCartney, Joel Grey, Rob Rifkin, Anderson Cooper, Billy Idol, The Edge, Kim Dikens, Sidney Poitier, Duran Duran, Christy Turlington, Lizzie Grubman, Patrick Marchelier, Naomi Campbell, Al Franken, Hilary Swank, Jon Heder, James Caan, Scott Caan, Bruce Vilanch, Ashton Kutcher, Charlie Rose, Anthony Edwards, Fred Armisen, Jay-Z, Barry Manilow, Bill Clinton, Jack Nicholson, Busta Rhymes, Jamie-Lynn DiScala and Jacob "the Jeweler," and a partridge in a pear tree...

Two Union Square-area sightings on Tuesday. I saw everyone's favorite
gap-toothed fellow, Paul Scheer (Best Week Ever, UCB) making out with a VERY good looking woman outside whole foods... must have been the girlfriend, but she didn't look familiar. Also saw Naima from this season of America's Next Top Model walking in the park with a friend... looked short and blah. Perhaps she's still traumatized from Tyra's total meltdown last week? I am.

OH! In regards to Minnie Driver's tiny bank account balance, I saw her eating brunch at 7A last weekend. I mean, I LOVE 7A, but I also just graduated from college and have the salary to prove it. Maybe her financial situation is worse than we thought?!?! Not that I care... she sucks.

Saw Liev Schreiber and Alan Alda, in snazzy black suits looking like they walked right off the stage of "Glengarry Glen Ross", crossing 8th Avenue at 45th Street. They were talking to each other in what looked like an attempt to deter passersby from talking to them. I pretended not to notice them, but as I passed the people behind me accosted them in the middle of the crosswalk. I couldn't see what was happening but put my iPod on pause. The accosters sounded like midwestern tourists. Liev and Alan sounded annoyed as they quickly said terse hellos and fled. And P.S. Liev's mustache is truly heinous, as has oft been reported.

At Salon for the "Red Doors" afterparty (tribeca film fest), the most unlikely celeb couple ever - Herrs Michael Stipe and Bokeem Woodbine. (Well, they weren't together, but what if...) Also, Coati Mundi (Kid Creole, fool!) cutting a rug.

It's been months since I have had a bona-fide celebrity spotting, so when I saw Andrew McCarthy, aka Blaine McDonnagh, at Whole Foods in Chelsea, it was like an oasis in the middle of a stardust-free oasis. There he was in all his middle aged glory, wearing a non-descript, slightly oversized windbreaker and sneakers, sizing up the produce. Looking spry and fit but slightly wrinkly, like he was a mountain biker or triathlete or something.

Today Saturday 4/23 at 4.35pm, I saw current SI cover girl and Estee Lauder model Carolyn Murphy walking on Bleecker (I was with a gaggle of people lining up outside Magnolia) with her young daughter and boyfriend, Incubus rocker Brandon something. She is not as tall as I thought she would be (wasn't she at one point a runway model?) nor as gorgeously beautiful as those airbrushed EL ads. But then again the woman was completely devoid of make-up. Brandon looked like an EV punk, tall and skinny and assless. I guess he's also photogenic like Carolyn? Less than an hour later, I walked by a gaunt looking Phillip Bloch, the Hollywood stylist on 6th avenue, right
across French Roast. He wore loose grey sweats and another of his vast
collection of hats. Really beautiful blue eyes though.

I was on 37 and 7 Ave when I hear a weird accent yelling "Come on, I want to go". I look up to see Giselle exiting a soft serve ice cream store with an extremely pudgy Leo following behind. Giselle was about 5'10 with Leo being taller than I thought, 6'0. He was wearing some really haggard purple sweats and his signature baseball hat hugging his bloated head; had a small goatee and was squinting. Giselle was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and walking really fast, while Leo stumbled about looking up at the sky and looking paranoid; very Hughes like. It was a shock to see them and find out that Leo is the bitch in the relationship.

Went past Naima walking with a cute boy at Prince and Mercer Sunday early afternoon. She is REALLY REALLY pretty, but she shaved notches in her eyebrows that reminded me of Vanilla Ice :( Anywho, perhaps a
bit shrimpy for a Super Model of the World, but she has that Audrey
Hepburn je ne sais quois, no doubt.

I just saw Andre 3000 walking by Au Bon Pain in midtown with a short Asian dude with bad skin. Andre had the green pants, the perm, the whole works.

I guess *Maggie Gyllenhaal* isn't afraid of carbs. Sitting at Barbutto in the West Village (4/20), having a large plate of pasta. Looked thin, but has extremely wide shoulder blades. Was with a male friend, don'tknow if it was her boyfriend or not.

carson kressley (does this even count as exciting anymore?)... rocking the usual flowing blonde locks and carefully bronzed skin... strolled past me on the corner of 16th and 8th (obviously) on monday night... was not particularly thrilled at his celebrity-ness, however I am still laughing because i believe he MIGHT have been wearing a sky blue GAP logo sweatshirt... oh the horror.

indie rockstar (and boy that I HEART) Ben Lee and I shared the same subway car from the Bedford stop on the L... nothing much to report except that he looked like the cute little hipster boy that he seems to be in his tunes... I was too busy pretending not to stare at him that I forgot to see if he got off at union square too... sigh... I knew there was a reason I slept in and was late for work this morning...

Last night walking down Thompson st. I had my boyfriend give me a piggy back ride to alleviate the severe pain caused by pre-summer flip flop rubbing and who did we almost knock over ms. Flashdance herself Jennifer Beals. She was wearing a rather unflattering white floral print skirt. my boyfriend said she was dumpsville. Also at the movies on Tuesday night I saw fabrizio moretti at the union square theaters. He was coming down the escalator alone and we made eye contact. He is so goddamn sexy. Drew was nowhere to be found. Sucka.

saw Julia Roberts walking north on park ave south at 21st. she looked like she was on her way to work out in all black, fitting, gym clothes, talking on her phone, large black glasses. gorgeous skin, teeny legs.

saw elle macpherson at the reception for The Interpreter last night at MoMA. she looked out of place, as she had on a barely there dress and looked as if she had just gotten a spray-on tan. but as if to make up for that, she also had on a beautiful smile. the cheesy bankers/brokers in attendance were staring incessantly.

I saw the monster oaf that is Tim Robbins at Coffee Shop on Sunday afternoon. Wannabe-model gazing? Dying for some mediocre food? (I was there on official business, thankyouverymuch.) Regardless, he was sweaty and wearing these really bad meshy-netty shorts that made him bulgy and not at all in the places I'd hoped.

I was walking to the bus stop this morning at about 8:30 and saw an
unshaven, smirking and sunglassed Vincent D'Onofrio clutching a venti Starbucks cup at the corner of 73rd and 2nd. I was going to make a crack about his fainting spells when Kerry lost the election, but I would have missed the Limited bus.

Saw Fergi (of Black Eyed Peas) coming out of a store on 42nd and Broadway today. I wouldn't even have noticed her if one of her three HUGE bodygaurds hadn't thrown himself in front of me saying, "Let her through! Let her through!" as if there was a huge crowd there. There wasn't. She was cute, dressed in a redish tubetop/babydoll sundress, yellow heels and sun glasses. Not to mention perfect hair. MUCH MUCH MUCH smaller in real life (the camera adds 20 pounds?). She smiled hapily when the bodyguards created a scene and people began to notice her, and then she walked over a subway grate and her skirt blew up.

Saw Bjork tonight (4/20) at B-Bar. She was wearing some sort of bedazzled Hellenic tunic and kept leaping from her table to attend to a blonde child (presumably her own) who was wearing a suprisingly frilly pink dress

The Butterscotch Stallion is in town! Around 7:15 this evening (4/20)
spotted Owen Wilson on the northern esplanade of BPC (the North side of Stuyvesant High, right on the water). He was jogging, and no one seemed to notice him. Here for the Tribeca Film Festival perhaps? He wasn't as tall as I had imagined, and his nose wasn't THAT big! The bridge was unmistakably crooked, but it didn't hook like it appears to in movies.

At last night's (4/20) performance of The Pillowman, I saw both
Katherine Keener and Illeana Douglas. Ms. Keener is stunningly beautiful, minimal make-up kind of beautiful ... with an expensive bag that my date pointed out. Ms. Douglas is super tiny, and VERY adorable, kind of a spaz but very well behaved ...the 'cute' kind of adorable. She has absolutely NO ass.

Yesterday after work, my friends and I spotted *Jesse Palmer* basking in the late day sun at Jane in the Village....about an hour later saw *Jimmy Fallon* on the corner of 18th and 5th Ave talking with a friend. He was very cute, short, skinny in a bright red sweatshirt and scruffy jeans.

I got my Olsen twin sighting on Wednesday, April 20, 5:30 PM on North Moore Street. Not sure which one, but she got out of her SUV with a young, tall, thin, brown haired guy and a dog. The guy was holding the leash and they were going into her building (I know she lives there) but they had to wait because the dog had to pee. They stood there and waited for what seemed like a long time for him to finish. Her mouth has a funny shape.

Matt Dillon was seen at the St. Agnes branch of The New York Public Library, April 21, @ 11:17a.m. He browsed the magazines, then he left the building. This isn't his first time visiting the library.

Tuesday night I was heading south on Thompson Street (near Prince) and spyed the city's ur-hipster couple: Matthew Barney and Bjork. He was giantly tall, walking ahead of her, and the kid was sitting on his shoulders. I would have totally missed them had it not been for a giant red cold sore/wound sitting below Ms. Gudmundsdottir's left nostril...girl, you really should get that taken care of...then I was drawn to her unmistakable broad Icelandic face. She was looking pissy. I turned around after they passed and saw that she was wearing knee-high mettalic-gold gladiator boots and a short, kinte-cloth tunic. Definitely Bjork. Definitely weren't talking to each other. Trouble in artsy paradise?

My boyfriend and I were in SoHo having lunch upstairs (lobby level) at Mercer Kitchen on Saturday (4/16) and in walks - very incognito - hat, glasses, several days unshaved - Robin Williams. He walked in and went quickly downstairs. He came up equally as quick - heading out the front door and onto Mercer street. I don't think anyone really noticed who he was. Also, the next night we had dinner at Balthazar and sat 2 tables away from that woman who used to be on Law & Order - Stephanie March. She looked gorgeous - relaxed - wearing a bright colored beaded and sequined tunic - didn't see the bottom half as she
was sitting down. She was with a handsome man - definitely a date.

Bill lives! David Carradine and his wife strutting down Park Avenue at 50th Street on Thursday (April 21) around 2 p.m. He wore a tan jacket and requisite dark shades. Sadly Uma and her samurai sword were nowhere to be seen.

Saw Kristin Davis in some Olsen-style shades on Hudson Street. She seemed very sweet, low-key, and cuter than a button a thousand times over. For real.

Saw "Little" Stevie Van Zandt of Springsteen and Sopranos fame leaving his home (?) between Sixth and Fifth Aves. in the Village. He was, as expected, wearing the headwrap so obviously stolen from him by one Ms. Erykah Badu in the late nineties. He looks both 1. nuts and 2. like a true rockstar, although, rock star or not, would it be so much trouble to spare New York the pufts of chest hair?

Saw Marc Maron of Air America Radio on lower University Place. He's the new messiah, if you haven't already heard.

Okay this is not a person you see every day hanging out with us common folk... was in NoLita with my friend yesterday just browsing in Poppy and guess who is also shopping with a friend ... Ms. Nicole Kidman. Looked very skinny, very pale, very blonde and very up-tight. Dressed entirely in black - baggy black shirt and black leggings. Sorry didn't see what she bought because my friend made me laugh (something about "pole" and "ass") so we had to get out of there ha!

last night had drinks and dinner (ie, guiness and burgers) at the oak bar at the plaza for one last old-new-york-style-libation. and who should sit at the table across from us but paul mccartney. he was very british, as was his friend/manager/roadie/bodyguard/jack of all trades companion. paul was neither obnoxious nor particularly friendly. He declined several requests for autographs and pictures, but did not lose his temper, even when a rude texan with a loud voice and a strange white circle in his hair tried to barge at him with a digital camera after having previously been rebuffed. my boyfriend kept saying, "the man is a knight for christ's sake!" as if THAT were why paul should be left alone. an hour later we were at the new york public library young lion's benefit (dress code: haute havana, which apparently means black tie but not really and you can wear a straw hat), when who should samba in but julia stiles. apparently they have taught her to read at columbia, or at least to like books. she was wearing an orange dress, short hair, not overly made up or tricked out. looked pretty and sweet, low-key entrance, no one seemed to really notice her. was with a very tall and good looking man wearing a suit with a purple-pink shirt. hot Havana indeed!

I was fortunate enough to have seen everybody's favorite piano man Billy Joel yesterday in Tribeca on Hudson Street. He was extremely short, extremely bald and had this atrocious goatee. Age has not been good to the man. However, he also had a steaming little pile on his arm, which I assume to be his fiance/wife who can't be much older than 25. So I guess things aren't all bad for him. More signifanct in my mind, however, is when I saw Fab Five Freddy a few hundred yards later. He looked like the man, because he is...and he was wearing his signature backwords porkpie hat.

Greatest sighting EVER for Alias fans! Ok, so I know we're few and far between...but last night 4/21 at bar pitti, I saw both Sloane (Ron Rifkin) and evil Sloane/Clone (Joel Grey) dining together!! Too fab!! I was with my friend who also loves the show and we were freaking out, since it's such a timely sighting for any Alias fan. They seemed oblivious to our gawking which is a good thing.

Anderson Cooper talking on his cellphone loudly and continuously for at least 15 minutes right by the big glass doors of the Time Warner center 4/22, 12:30-ish. Lagoon-blue eyes, lit from the inside like a Furby. Dorky, possibly Wrangler, jeans.

Yesterday (4/21/05) saw Eva (the Diva) from last seasons America's Next Top Model walking into Astor Hairstylists (on Astor and B'way) as I was walking out. She was with some guy (male model? boyfriend? where's Missy Elliott?). They were both dressed stylishly and seemed very friendly.

At a birthday party at Gypsy Tea on Saturday night, my roommate and I
saw a guy who was platinum-blonde and ridiculously '80s-looking that
all night we jokingly referred to him as "Billy Idol." Turns out it
WAS Billy Idol, as I had the pleasure of reading in Lloyd Grove's column the other day. Was kind of bummed that we were so nonchalant, but the situation was a little boy-who-cried-wolf, given the recent string of Rod Stewart doppelganger sightings and all.

Just had an unexpected sighting in the afternoon of 4/18. Was sitting
near Penn Station enjoying my little bit of sunshine in the middle of
the urban jungle when I heard cheering that could mean only thing: celeb in the vicinity. I mosied over to see what all the fuss was about and it turned out that a bunch of wrestlers were coming in for an event at Madison Square Garden. I was just in time to see The Edge: he was tall, built, had a blond ponytail and goatee, and was hot in a trashy, Arkansas/truck driver kind of way. I had never heard of him but people were going nuts. In any case, I had never seen a gathering of such trashy people within the bounds of NYC, all of whom were maniacally cheering, which made for an extra fun sighting.

I saw Kim Dickens from Deadwood on Bedford ave in Williamsburg this afternoon, walking out of a shop. She had super-cute litle pigtails,and was taller and thinner than expected. She looked happy and relaxed. Man that womans legs are up to her armpits.

This evening, on my way to my NYU, I ran into Sidney Poitier as he was crossing Washington Square West (MacDougal) at Washington Square North (Waverly Place). I'm guessing he was headed to Babbo for dinner. Mr. Poitier was dressed in a nice suit and walked with an elderly caucasian gentleman along with their respective wives/girlfriends/daughters/who knows?

April 16th close to 9PM, saw Leonardo and Giselle on 11th Street, got into waiting Town Car . Both both thin and tall (surprise!). He was wearing jeans and dark top, she was wearing a whitish jacket and jeans.

Saw the original "Fab Five," Duran Duran, at the after-party for their concert at Madison Square Garden, which was at QT, Andre Balazs' new hotel in mid-town. Simon Le Bon was there with his wife Yasemin, who is tall but teeny; John Taylor was there with his wife, of Juicy Couture, who was skanked out and looked haggard; Nick Rhodes with his girlfriend, who was drunk and a bit of a disaster but very pretty; Andy Taylor with his long-time wife I think and perhaps his daughter as well; and Roger Taylor with who knows. All the band members were mingling and seemed friendly and non-plussed as their songs kept getting played. I told Nick Rhodes that I had seen them in concert for the first time twenty-one years ago, which means I also admitted how old I am. Too old to be excited to have been in the same room with them? Also saw Jay from Project Runway there...but really, where hasn't he been spotted?

Saturday, April 16th, 'round 5 PM. CHRISTY TURLINGTON pushing a stroller down Harrison Street in TriBeca. No make-up, sweats, utterly spectacular looking. Men fainted. Women jumped out of windows. And little children could be heard asking aloud why their mothers didn't look like Christy.

On a quiet Monday evening at Koi: First, Lizzie Grubman and her client Won-G were eating with some friends/associates at a banquet in the back corner (and Macy Gray dropped by to say hi). They seemed to be having a good time, and were "very nice", according to our waitress. Then, coming in for a late dinner were Naomi Campbell, photographer Patrick Marchelier, and various other models/fashion types. Naomi was well behaved - or at least didn't beat anyone with a telecommunications device while we were there, and seemed to be enjoying herself. I'm not sure how many celebrities they've had in the restaurant so far though as even the staff were pointing and staring. (By the way, the food was unimpressive, and the service was ordinary - at least for us, ordinary paying customers).

Remember those nerdy kids in school who walked really, really fast with their heads down, trying to make it from point A to point B before they could get their books knocked out of their hand or be dumped into a trash can? Well that was Al Franken huffing and puffing his way up 6th Ave. between 36th and 37th on Friday afternoon. He's got an enormous head, small body, and enough folds of flesh on his face to generally resemble a shar-pei. Thought about high-fiving him and encouraging him to keep on fighting the good fight, but my voter apathy kicked in and I just kept on walking.

Saw Hilary Swank at Westville in the West Village last night, dining with a friend - wearing very little makeup and she still looked gorgeous.

Yet another celeb spotting at the casting agency in my building on 26th and 6th. His aweseomness, Napoleon Dynamite, aka Jon Heder, waiting for the elevator as we were going up. Why I didn't scream "idiot" as the doors closed I don't know...

Hey I had a celebrity sighting this past Sunday Leo Dicaprio and Gisele Bundchen shopping in Karkula on Gansevoort looking at and sitting on the highpriced sofas they have there. Is it me or have they been spending a lot of time in NYC a lot lately?

This morning, stood behind Kristen Davies and Liev Schreiber in Olives...they were acting very chummy/flirty with each other. She was very casual wearing pink Capri pants and a striped polo, hair pulled back in a ponytail, no makeup, looking very fresh...she has flawless skin. He was in some sort of vintage suit.

I (along with the hundreds of other suits catching sun during their lunch-hour) saw Robin Williams and a small film crew on 52nd and Park. He was as he always always appears in my dreams - paunchy, hairy, wearing green cordoroy pants...

Coming out of the post office at 2 pm on Tuesday 4/19, James Caan. Sunken-in, bony face, tiny leukemia legs, shrunken child butt, miraculously swaggering and carrying wide, 2-dimensional torso. He seemed really exhausted with me as I, walking in front of him, repeatedly turned my head to confirm that it was, in fact, Sonny. Then a bunch of idiot British tourists on the corner of 9th made him get out of the way so they could take a picture with a fireman in front of a fire truck.

Saw Bruce Vilanch at 57th street pizza on 8th today (April 19th ). He was beardless (thanks to his Hairspray role) and only had two slices of pizza. I can t tell if I m more embarrassed that I recognized him or that I m actually making the effort to tell people about it.

Saw Ashton Kutcher today (4/19) in the Viacom Building. Must be doing a thing on TRL today. I never realized how much he looks like Courtney Taylor (of the Dandy Warhols) until I saw him in person. Not sure which one has the bigger ego...but I'm sure Courtney Taylor has a younger girlfriend.

Charlie Rose waved at me for allowing his high end convertible (top down) to turn right off of 7^th avenue in the West Village. Had a younger looking Asian woman in the passenger seat wearing sunglasses. Rose is impressive looking in person. Even seated could tell he was tall and sported a healthy tan.

At the Michael Penn show at Joe's pub last night, I was bummed not to spot Michael's angry famous brother, but I did see Revenge of the Nerds Anthony Edwards and SNL's Fred Armisen, " Dios mio!"

I saw Jay-Z last night at the sold-out show of the Bravery at the Bowery Ballroom. He sat in the stage-left balcony with a couple of ladies—-none who happened to be Beyonce. The hiphop celebrity sighting was perhaps the most exciting part of the night—-excepting the quite spirited performance by West Coast trio alaska!. Ash was a bland bore and the Bravery was simply soul-less. The pre-fab rock quintet's lead singer, Sam Endicott, was anything but fab, trying to hard to tap into indie aloofness and ambiguous sexuality—-jokes about making out with the lead singer of Ash falling quite flat (although we hear one of the band members is gay—-who is it, you know?).

saw Scott Caan(Ocean's 11, varsity blues)in union square park this past sunday. He was super sexy in a hat and jeans, but a little short for my taste.My friend and I just happened to be sun bathing right right in his eye line and he totally checked us out, or atleast that's what we keep telling ourselves.

Jay-Z must want to get rid of Beyonce because I saw him at The Bravery show at Bowery on Monday night—and that is so not street.

Late-ish dinner tonight at a deserted Shun Lee West. Just me and my date, a few random Asian tourists and Barry Manilow—sitting at a booth with three (male) friends. Barry has had some excellent cosmetic surgery, and is looking remarkably like you expect him to look, until you realize that what you expect him to look like is circa 1977. Amazing. He and his companions were uniformly fit, tan, well-moisturized and just burst-into-flames gay. Handsome group, though.

Last night I saw President Bill Clinton having dinner with 10 people at BLT steak, with two women sitting on each side of him, as well as Jack Nicohlson, who joined the dinner late and sat at the end.

I had my first Williamsburg celebrity sighting last night. My husband and I were finishing dinner at Peter Lugar's around 10 PM when Busta Rhymes and an 8 person entourage (including a 9 or 10 year old girl and a guy my ignorant husband insisted was Moby until I pointed out that not only would Moby be *highly* unlikely to be in a steakhouse with Busta Rhymes but is also about a foot shorter than this guy) walked in. Maybe he's moved into his Gretsch building apt? For all of the famed rudeness of the Lugar waiters, they can certainly be nice when they see big tip potential. They didn't bat an eye when the steaks were ordered well-done. The best part was walking by his waiting limo he really so famous he couldn't walk the 3 or so blocks between the Gretsch and Lugar's?

Jamie-Lynn DiScala and Jacob "the Jeweler," 4/19 around 1 pm, walking uptown @ 48th & 5th. She looked cute and unpretentious in sidewalk-scraping jeans and leather thong sandals. He was all in black topped by a long black leather jacket (in 75-degree weather)