Out in Williamsburg (New York s famed Asshole District) Brooklyn operatives are running a Free Store —sort of a communist boutique that, unlike us, is actually working.

"This is the wave of the future," Mr. David said a few minutes later, as he left carrying the book and the print. "There's enough here for everyone."

Mr. David had happened upon the Free Store, where the motto, written on a piece of cardboard posted by the front door, is "Take everything that is not tied down." As the name implies, there is no charge for the store's varied inventory. Swaps or donations, however, are appreciated.

Shortly after this article came out, an Urban Outfitters exec made off with everything, slapped $60 pricetags on it all, and put it in their display window next to the Get Lucky in Kentucky tees. —NH

Giving Away the Store an Item at a Time [NYT]