We asked you to send us your best captions for the totally hetero picture below. We had so many great responses — it was almost impossible to choose! — if it were up to us, you would all get free tickets. But it ain't. So the winner of two tickets to Louis XIV at Bowery Ballroom tomorrow night is...(snare drum!)....

This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.


Congratulations Kevin Bannon. Honorable Mentions (because we love you all the same) after the jump...—NH

A scene from the forthcoming movie, Being Kevin Spacey.
—Marty Wombacher

After hours at the Drudge Report
—Sean Marier

Harvey Milk School Wins City Debate Competition
—Andrew Smock

Extremely Gay and Incredibly Close
—Zach M

Pope Benedict XVI's T-Mobile Hacked!
—Zach M

Kiehl's Opens New Store In Chelsea
—Mick Stingley

"I swear, everytime I tell a lie, it grows an inch...and I've been telling people I like girls."

Fruits of the Loom
—Michael Malone