In honor of our sister-in-ink Nikki Finke, who famously said, explaining why she rarely writes for magazines anymore, "I'm not 24 years old. I'm not making stuff up .And I don't kiss up to the idiots who decide which stars magazines can and can't put on their covers, Gawker hereby announces its first annual Awful P.R. Award. Write us with your scariest horror stories about PR-people-from-hell (subject line: For Nikki) and we ll print them all week long. C'mon, don't be scared. So what if you piss off half the sling-back-wearers in town? You can always become a blogger! And so what if you're never invited anywhere again? Look at it this way, you'll lose out on those nifty Kiehl's samples in the gift-bags, but you'll never have to look at Shaggy again. —MG

Nikki Finke Chews on the Bones of 'GQ'