Today's visually-impaired gossip items come courtesy of Page Six and NYDN Ken Doll, Ben Widdicombe. You guess, we post, we get sued. Good times!

·Which African-American star likes to party with pre-op transsexuals in his hotel room while visiting our fair city?

·Which masseur would like his married-but-everyone-knows-he's-gay movie star client to quit hitting on him during massages?

·Which journalist-turned-Ivy League lecturer is causing a stir among fellow faculty members by openly hitting on his attractive female students? Some of the co-eds are eager to perform for top grades.

·Which married diva didn't want to get married on her wedding day? She sobbed to her mother, "I don't love him I can't do it!" Unsympathetic mom opened her purse and snapped, "Here's a Percocet, now get down that aisle!" The couple is still married.

·Which fashion house's publicity department is rejoicing over the departure of its leader? This p.r. head took credit for others' accomplishments, much to the dismay of everyone else.


Don't Shoot the Messenger [Gatecrasher]
Just Asking [Page Six]