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With the imminent launch of Radar: The Website, the competition to host the hottest online cocktail party of the season gets hotter. We're blessed this morning with a leaked email from the digital camp of Arianna Huffington, whose plans to create a "left-wing competitor" to the Drudge Report didn't seem to ruffle Drudge but did get under the skin of Maer Roshan, who feared all the best guests would leave his digital soir e early and head over to Arianna's place.

What's the latest from Dame Arianna? According to the email sent to Friends o' Huffington, the Huffington Report name is gone, as is the liberal bent. Starting next month, The Huffington Post "won't be left wing or right wing. Indeed, it will punch holes in that very stale way of looking at the world." The celebrity roster for the group blog just keeps swelling. Newly on board: David O. Russell (existential blogging!), Jann Wenner (gay diabetic blogging!), Albert Brooks (kosher self-hating blogging!), Liev Schreiber (live from the set of the Jonathan Safran Foer movie blogging!), among many others.

The best part? Arianna's looking for more to join her minions: "Here is a way to join the blogosphere dialogue and sound off on the ideas and stories fueling your passion or your outrage — without having to give up your day job." Interested? Full text of the purloined email after the jump.

The email in full:

To: [redacted]
Fr: Arianna Huffington

Together with my partner Ken Lerer, I am on the verge of launching a new Internet publishing venture called The Huffington Post. This site will combine a breaking news section, a section on the media called Eat the Press , and an innovative group blog where some of this country's most creative minds will weigh in on topics great and small, political and cultural, important or just plain entertaining.

Picture a nonstop, ever-changing group conversation with input from 100 of the most interesting people from the worlds of politics, entertainment, business, and publishing — a place where some of the best minds and most creative thinkers in America can inform, rant, provoke, comment on, and link to whatever strikes them as worth a look.

A number of people have already agreed to become a part of our group blog, including Larry David, Tom Freston, Vernon Jordan, David Geffen, Nora Ephron, Bobby Kennedy Jr., Tina Brown, John Cusack, Gary Hart, Mike Nichols, Rob Reiner, David Mamet, Arthur Schlesinger, Norman Lear, George Wolfe, Bill Maher, Jann Wenner, Laurie David, Cory Booker, Jim Wiatt, Haim Saban, Walter Cronkite, Albert Brooks, Paul Goldberger, Harry Evans, Liev Schreiber, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, David O. Russell, Barry Diller, Tavis Smiley, Ari Emanuel, Paul Reiser, Adam McKay, Brian Grazer, Mort Zuckerman, Brad Hall, Prof. Alex Keyssar, Dr. Dean Ornish, and Sen. Jon Corzine.

I'd love it if you would too.

The blogging revolution has reached a tipping point. And here is a way to join the blogosphere dialogue and sound off on the ideas and stories fueling your passion or your outrage — without having to give up your day job.

And the best part is you're actually already doing the hardest work of a blogger: having interesting opinions and fresh takes on the hot stories of the day. We'll just provide a megaphone for the thoughts you're already thinking, the conversations you're already having, the e-mails and instant messages you're already exchanging with your friends.

The idea is that the members of our blog will weigh in whenever the spirit moves them: when a news story makes you mad, when you see a movie or read a book that turns you on, or when you have a cause that you don't think is getting the coverage it deserves. And we're not just talking about politics — this blog will be about politics and entertainment and money and sports and religion. Anything and everything.

You'll be part of a collective endeavor that can enliven — and possibly even shift — the national conversation, while helping create a great place to go for insight and perspective, information and
entertainment. All served up with what will become the Post's signature attitude and bite. The Post's guiding sensibility will be to go after the truth — wherever it takes us. It won't be left wing or right wing. Indeed, it will punch holes in that very stale way of looking at the world.

There will also be times when we e-mail you, asking for your take on a breaking story or issue that seems to be in your wheelhouse of interest or expertise. Picture the greatest Charlie Rose panel ever assembled — and we'll be able to put it together instantly.

Our plans call for us to launch the site in May.

This is going to be a great adventure and I look forward to sharing it with you. Please email me back to let me know if we can count you in.

All the best,

Previously: Blogging Dies Another Death [Gawker]