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Molly Jong-Fast has banged out her second book, The Sex Doctors in the Basement: True Stories from a Semi-Celebrity Childhood. So we thought it was time we crashed yet another book party in which respectable writers pretend to have heard of Gawker and we pretended to know what they ve written. Since it was on the way to the methadone clinic, Special Correspondent Noelle Hancock stopped by with Village Voice shutterho Jennifer Snow. Zipless fucks, Dave Itzkoff, and Cindy Adams hair after the jump.

"Doing Coke" in the bathroom isn't what it used to be in McInerney's day.

A bunch of crackers gathered together in an apartment on the Upper East Side? Yep, it s a book party! For those of you late to the proverbial party, Molly s mother Erica Jong rose to fame in the 70s with her book Fear of Flying, a post-feminist woman-ifesto that coined the phrase zipless fuck (a random sexual encounter between strangers free of all remorse and guilt) and pissed a lot of people off, conservatives and feminists alike. Npw she throws her daughter a book party at her casa de awesome and I m openly hoping Camille Paglia shows up and does something insane.

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Which one s wearing the garter?

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Does this suit make me look like I m in The Bravery?

Molly Jong-Fast (who s name would be the funnest to play the banana-fo-fanna game with) has written a memoir in a time when the publishing industry has become the Special Olympics — book deals are the hugs and everybody s getting one. So what gives a 26-year-old the right to publish an autobiography? Because, growing up, your average brush with fame was walking past the Ronald McDonald statue on the way to ordering a Happy Meal — and Molly was busy beefin with Joan Collins.

The book is about my crazy childhood, she tells Gawker. It s about being a four-year-old and having a pony die of constipation, having sex doctors in the basement, Shirley MacLaine, my mother s boyfriend who ended up selling meat out of the back of a truck, my 27 nannies that were all were serial killers, a lesbian caretaker that used to run around naked and do Wicca. Oh, and my psychotic step-grand-aunt who was gay and then got Alzheimer s and became straight. She asks suddenly, Did you see the review in the Post? The writer clearly didn t read the book, he didn t read it at all. That s because the Post s criteria for its reviewers is that they cannot read. [Ed: Disclaimer, freelance, yadda]

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What a "condomless fuck" looks like.

Living room chair: You can take my picture, but you cannot take my freedom!

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The Jong poodle: Canine Jew-Fro by Jean Louis David salons.

Author and New Yorker writer Daphne Merkin is co-hosting the party and talking smack. I m a little tired of the Boys Club of Books — the three Jonathans. I m tired of all of them. How can anyone take themselves this seriously? These boys must have been adored as children.

Cindy Adams arrives wearing her signature nest-like hairpiece and suddenly I can t get the song Close To You out of my head.

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If Karen Carpenter had met Cindy Adams, she d know why birds suddenly appear.

Dave Itzkoff, editor at Spin and renowned 'bator, is here under the guise that he and Molly share the same agent. But really, I m just using her to get to her mother — I m hoping to score a blurb from her some day! In his book Lads, Itzkoff confessed to having committed acts of self-love at his desk when he worked at Maxim. So is it easier to wack it at the Spin offices? It s much easier now because instead of a cubicle, I actually have an office with a door that I can close. The problem is I much prefer that people watch me masturbate. So now it s easier and harder at the same time.

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The closest Dave Itzkoff has been to a naked woman since Lads was published.

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How big is your yacht again?

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Partygoer s Autographed Chanel Bag: Shockingly, Mr. Lagerfeld refused to sign her breast (we hear he s an ass man).

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Itzkoff does as the roman a clefs do.

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Two women in search of a book deal, Heeb editor Josh Neuman in search of his dealer.

I interview Erica Jong with my scary digital voice recorder that can be used to conduct interviews or launch the space shuttle and it later erases it. Fuck. Well, here s the interview summary: Blah blah blah zipless fuck blah blah blah so proud of Molly blah blah blah no longer scared to fly

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Erica Jong and Molly Jong-Fast: Fear of smiling.

When asked about her mother s legacy, Molly says, Listen, the hall of fame is lined with the bodies of children of famous parents — skeletons of the Catherine Oxenbergs of the world — but the truth is, if you have famous parents you get publicity, but everyone is really mean. I sound like a total asshole, don t I?