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A reader reports from what truly may have been the Most Celebrity-Starved Hollywood Party of All Time, last night's launch party for Inside TV magazine at White Lotus:

Can you spare some space for the biggest NON-celebrity sighting of the year? Maybe of the century? That would be the TV Guide Inside TV Party that went down last night at White Lotus. While driving up Cahuenga on my way to the Los Angeles Magazine/Skyy Vodka party at the Concorde, I noticed a red carpet outside White Lotus. There seemed to be some commotion. So, in the middle of the Skyy party, I did what any self-respecting schwag-whore would do - I ditched the Skyy party and walked down the street to Lotus to see what was going on over there. 9:45 pm and the place was empty. I mean, truly empty. There were probably more bartenders there than guests. You know it's a bad scene when you go to wireimage to check out the party pics and fully half of them are listed as "atmosphere." Is there such a thing as a party that hire extras or something?! Oh, and the gift bag? It came stuffed to the brim issue of TV Guide.

Having such a star-free party is quite an accomplishment in a town where B- and C- listers will show up if you lay down a red carpet in front of a box of half-eaten Pizza Hut crusts and a trough of free vodka from a nightclub's spill tray. We encourage you to peruse the WireImage page, which present a virtual photo-essay of an event photographer's boredom-fueled descent into madness—there are random-seeming shots of watches, shoes, and piles of untouched magazines. We hope the poor guy made it through OK, and isn't still wandering Cahuenga in search of somebody worthwhile to snap.