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We present the latest in our continuing series of reports on the nutritional and/or dining habits of Hollywood's preternaturally gifted, moppet-flavor-of-the-minute, Dakota Fanning:

Last week, an attentive reader let us know that Fanning was unafraid to imperil her health by dining in a restaurant that failed to meet the highest California health-code standards, a shocking game of Gastrointestinal Roulette that the tyke apparently won. (Don't get too cocky, kid, eventually you're going to find the chamber loaded with parasites.) Now another tipster informs us that Fanning's handlers show a blatant disregard for the prevailing low-carb nutritional wisdom, as a fresh shipment of Krispy Kremes are flown in each day from Sydney to the Charlotte's Web shoot in Melbourne. What's next for the little culinary thrill-seeker, a guest appearance on Celebrity Fear Factor, greedily devouring whatever obscure cow entrail the producers put in front of her? Someone get this kid some Lunchables, and right quick.