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Local band The Bravery — whose recent rise in label-sponsored popularity has the New York indie purists (if such people still exist) crying foul — demonstrated the fine art of hipster belligerence during a weekend stint in Boston. Our beantown operative reports that after finishing their set elsewhere, the Bravery showed up at The Information's performance with an unreasonably large entourage. When the doorman said the show was sold out, the bass player reportedly charged in and began shouting, "We're in the Bravery! You have to let us in!" Of course. A fine argument.

The doorman, apparently daring to not know who these lads were, asked the group to leave, so naturally a fight broke out — that's how sensitive dance punkers respond to these things. The bass player was particularly roughed up and, according to our spies, the band was later spotted nursing their haute wounds at a local IHOP.

Due to the fleeting nature of hip opinion, we're not sure whether this is supposed to make us indignant or giddy. We'll play it safe with some subtle snickering!