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A hungry reader out hunting for reasonably-priced eats in Silver Lake spotted Dakota Fanning, everyone's favorite, eerily precocious child actor (at least since Haley Joel Osment foolishly allowed himself to enter puberty), taking dangerous chances with her health at an eastside eatery.

While traveling with a roommate and two other friends to get cheap food, in an "A" restaurant of course, we crossed the local Thai Bistro at our corner. As I looked in the front window, I tried with all my power to look past the large "B" staring back. Now, I had always heard that when you stare deep into the "B", the "B" stares deep back into you. This Is true. It was no use, the "B" had bored a burning hole through the very essence of my soul, leaving images of un-mopped floors and roach infested Tom Yam Gung.

Forcing myself to look beyond it, and deeper into the beastly Bistro, who did I notice but the one and only Dakota Fanning. Not believing my "B" tainted eyes at first, I called out in joking fashion "Hey, it's Dakota Fanning!". The group turned around and we all saw it as truth with our own eyes... Before the "B" destroyed us all. I must also mention that in a very non-Dakota fashion, she was bouncing around the place like a freaking 8-year old... That's strange, I thought she was about 45 and like Gary Coleman.

A quick note to Fanning's parents/handlers: That big, blue "B" in the window doesn't stand for "Boy, we should let our meal ticket eat in a place that may not have achieved even the mandated minimum standard of acceptable rodent feces in their food preparation area!"*

[*Please do not send us e-mail explaining how a "B" rating can mean many things. We are not interested in knowing any more about the process than we already do. Or about most things, for that matter.]

UPDATE: A person who would have knowledge of such matters denies that the young culinary adventurer mentioned here is Dakota Fanning. Says the naysayer, "She's been in Australia the past 2 months shooting Charlotte's Web and hasn't been back to LA during that time." Wherever she is, we can only hope that she's only eating in the highest-quality restaurants available to her. She's got parents to feed.

UPDATE 2: The original tipster wrote in to let us know this happened over two months ago, so while the sighting isn't exactly timely, it's accurate.