Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

You know how I half-try (only half, mind you) to edit, group and organize these bitches in order of importance or whatever? Not so much right now. The quantity of sightings is just too massive; I love you kids in the springtime.

In this edition: Lindsay Lohan, Edie Falco, Kieran Culkin, Drew and Fab, Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick, Olsens, Mark Hoppus, Selma Blair, Bob Saget, William H. Macy, Dick Gephardt, Kathy Lee Gifford, Vanessa Carlton, Fonzworth Bentley, Queer Eyes, Vincent Guastaferro, Gilbert Godfriend, Bobby Cannavale, Annabella Sciorra, Bill Murray, PJ Harvey, Ad-Rock, David Byrne, Billie Joe, Ryan Adams, Abigail Vona, Christian Slater, Bobby Baccala, Samaire Armstrong, Richie Rich, Tatum O'Neal, Jake Shears, Boy George, Anderson Cooper, Jay McCarroll, Hank Azaria, Leonardo DiCaprio, Charlie Rose, Famke Janssen, Mya, Mickey Rourke, Carla Gugino, Jeff Goldblum, Billy Crudup, Topher Grace, Rufus and Sally Albermarle, Parker Posey, Bebe Neuwirth, John Cameron Mitchell, Idina Menzel, Rachel Ray, Billy Crystal, Rebecca Gayhart, Reuben Studdard, Delta Burke, Christie Brinkley and Ed Burns, Alan Cumming, Cher, Martha Plimpton, Bruce Willis, Jean Claude Van Damme, Richard Schiff, Daryl Hannah, Jimmy Smits, Mario Cantone, Mike Myers, Lance Armstrong, Chris Robinson, Matt Dillon, Calvin Klein, Lizzie Grubman, LL Cool J, Katie Holmes, David Duchovny, Jon Legend, Al Reynolds, Alicia Keys, Sam Waterson, Christian Campbell, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Charlotte Ronson, and William Fichter.

Saw Lindsay Lohan at Jamba Juice on Houston & Mercer. After I walked in, I got in line and was behind the star and two L.I. trashy bleached blonde types. Lindsay was busy talking on her cell phone, constantly walking in and out of the store, fighting with whoever was on the other line. Her order was taking too long so she came back in the store and bitched at her friends to hurry the Jamba Juice workers up so she can have her precious juice. She was cute, had REALLY tacky clothes, and was super-skinny (read: coke whore).

Just saw them shooting a scene from Lindsay Lohan's new movie "Just My Luck" in front of the church down the street from me (10th and Avenue A). Funny they rehearse the scene without her and then she gets driven down the block from her trailer in an SUV, hops out and does 2 takes. Then she got bitchy about something and was stomping her feet, complaining to her assistants. One PA says, "What's she so bitchy about?" and the other says, "Who knows? She's always like that." Probably she was bitchy because there were no cosmos and over 35 year old actors to suck face with. Her hair is uber-red, as previously reported. But pretty cute.

Went grocery shopping with Edie Falco on Saturday at the Greenwich St (at Bethune) D'Ag. She was unmakeuped with small child in tow. Definitely seemed bright and cheery since Tony wasn't around barking out orders for leftover meatballs.

On Friday night (4/8), Kieran Culkin was seen hanging out with 2 friends at Beauty Bar. I had to do a double take because the last time I saw a picture of Kieran was when he was doing press Igby Goes Down. Later that night, Drew Barrymore and her Strokes beau, Fabrizio Moretti, were spotted at the very same bar. They canoodled and all seemed well until Drew stormed off with her friend while Fabrizio stayed behind hanging out. He didn't seem fazed. I hoped Drew would come back but It was late so I left. I did grazed Fabrizio's bottom as I passed by him. I'll never wash my hand again!

kevin bacon and kyra sedgwick with kids in tow at shun lee west 04/10/05.both aging terribly, looking straggly and gaunt.What happened to kyra?face was really sunken. scary.

At Gourmet Garage on Broome Street yesterday at around 7:30pm I spied a strung out looking Olsen twin barely able to walk, Courtney Lovin' it, held up by her burly driver and a frat boy who looked like a husky Ninja turtle. I immediatley called my little sister who informed that the darker haired sister is Mary Kate , so it was most likely her and not Ashley.

Was walking by the Soho Grand on Sunday when I noticed an effeminate man with his legs crossed sitting with his LV luggage waiting for a car. Realized it was Mark Hoppus from Blink-182, sitting next to his woman. They looked bored and weren't talking. My friend wanted to get his autograph ("I LOVE Blink-180!" were her actual words) but I managed to talk her down.

last night (4/13) i saw Ashley Olsen and Selma Blair sitting together at the Mercer Hotel. I thought it was an unusual match, but the 2 were talking away like they were best friends. They ordered some food and both ate...Ashley seemed to have more of an appetite than Selma. My friend and I were there for about an hour and the 2 were chatty the entire time.

The gawk-perils of living and working in midtown west...Saw Bob Saget Wednesday afternoon (4/6), walking north on 8th Ave at about 47th. Must have been after the matinee of his show. He looked very out of "dad" character, typing something into his Sidekick. Saw me gawking and quickly looked back down, as if I really cared. Very tall, very geeky, very pale, walking with two women. Then, Saturday night three blocks north, I passed William H. Macy, also with two women (but no Desperate Housewife! Damn!!). His reddish gold hair and even redder face looked uber-shiny, he smiled at me and reminded me of Papa Smurf...

walking east on 55th Street between Madison and Park today I crossed paths with former Democratic Presidential candidate Dick Gephardt. he was wearing a navy blue suit and a gorgeous plum tie, and was pulling his own luggage along behind him as he talked on his cell phone, avoiding eye contact at all costs. what, did his limo or taxi break down or something? I have to say was very powerful-looking in person, and his apricot-colored hair was perfect. am I saying I found him attractive? I'll never tell.

Greenwich, Conneticut- visiting my parents early this morning, saw Kathie Lee Gifford at the local Starbucks. She actually looked good, which suprised me. I think she's had work done. Pretty dull sighting, even for a Monday.

vanessa carlton was eating brunch at jane in soho on sunday with her mumma looking very un-celebrity like but was super sweet to my waitress friend, and then fonzworth of p.diddy fame strolled passed me on spring street wearing a t-shirt with a sweater tied around his waist. he looked shorter than i would have imagined and dorky.would never guess the boy can dance..

Had a triple play on Sunday. Walked by Carson Kressley having a slice of pizza next to the Chelsea movie theater. His T-shirt was so perfectly half tucked, I think is was tailored that way. Then, at the Sushi place further along 23rd street, saw "Hey! It's that guy" Vincent Guastaferro, character actor extraordinaire. He most recently played the Teacher's Union guy on the last West Wing who got Jimmy Smits nominated for president. Finally walking up 8th Ave. we saw Gilbert Godfried who we see all the time as he lives in the neighborhood.

I was in the audience with my girlfriend at the Coney Island Freakshow Sunday and Bobby Cannavale and Annabella Sciorra came in with two kids. Annabella was squeamish and walked out during the hot sword swallower girl and then came in and was laughing and having fun after that. The kids they were with (maybe hers?) went on stage with Eak the freak and were cute.

Sighted celebs galore at the LCD Soundsystem show at Bowery Ballroom: PJ Harvey, Ad Rock from the Beastie Boys, and David Byrne... and then a few days later at the Bloc Party after, um, party, I was waiting in line for the downstairs bathroom at Pianos, and who should appear but Billie Joe from Green Day? His (very LA'ish) entourage obviously expected us to let him cut, but no dice. Billie Joe, however, was very nice, and waited in line cooly and calmly. He even let a bunch of rabid fans talk his ear off while we were waiting, which I thought was sorta nice and all. But man oh man, he's really tiny.... and he wears a lot of eyeliner.

Last Wednesday (4/6) saw Bill Murray walking around Barnard College campus. I think he was going to see a play that is being performed there.

Moments ago at Pastis... Blonde Olsen Twin and BOB SAGET with a young brunette likely daughter, but possibly not. Blonde Olsen taking a Red Bull in the can. standing at bar, Bobby Baccala from the Sopranos. He is not a small man.

Coming home from my girlfriend's around 10:30 on 4/11, I do a double take as I open the door to my building. Standing on the sidewalk, cigarette in hand, typing on Blackberry, with fat unidentified friend is none other than Christian Slater. I told him he was awesome on the West Wing and was surprised at the considerable husk in his voice. Better quit those cigs! He had on jeans, black Prada loafers and a white button down that had weird french cuffs that took links on the outside edge.

Niagara late thursday night, when at the next table sits rocker/country folky/uber-slacker Ryan Adams having a loud drunken argument with his pal, a writer/loser who is a regular, otherwise I don't think he'd ever be recognized by anyone).that guy was chatting up with "Bad Girl" teen novelist/literary agent semen receptacle Abigail Vona. It was loud and obnoxious (as ryan can be), and seemed like the two guys were joking, since it quickly degraded into drunken semi-homoerotic noogies. Ms. Vona was more interested in rock star ryan, but he was missing parker posey, who is doring HurlyBurly now.

I saw Samaire Armstrong hangin' out at The Kills concert on Monday. Sadly she didn't seem to have Lindsay Lohan along as an accessory (just some unfamous friends).

I had a stalker attack last night (Tuesday). Was hankerin' for a Pop Burger mini burger so we stopped into the burger joint and as we were walking over I was telling my friend about Tatum O'Neal's lesbian incident at Pop Burger that was in Page Six last week. To my shock who should walk up to the door of Pop Burger but Tatum O'Neal herself- either she's got balls or no publicist person to give her advice about that stuff. Apparently there was a party in the back room, as we saw a few of the Scissor Sisters (including Jake Shears in tight TIGHT pink pants, yum). Also spied Boy George, Michael Stipe from REM, that annoying guy that won Project Runway [Jay McCarroll], everyone from Heatherette including hot ass transexual Amanda Lepore (who's tits are even bigger than you imagine in person) and that cute girl from the OC, Samaire Armstrong. We later went to Bowery Bar's gay "beige" party and saw Samaire again dancing around and screaming with Richie Rich from Heatherette. We got excited anticipating a Lohan siting but weren't so lucky. Also Bruce Villanch was at Beige, odd.

I saw Hank Azaria on the corner of 48th and 8th today (4/13). Taller than I expected, dressed in a slick black leather jacket and very nice sunglasses. Really good looking. Talking to a girl.

saw leonardo dicaprio yesterday (4/13) at lga on the 830am shuttle to boston, sans giselle. he stood out more as the only person not dressed in a suit.he was with two male friends, none of them seemed to be a bodyguard, though.leo was in a lakers cap (shocker) and dark sunglasses, and bought a pre-flight yogurt. much taller and thinner than expected.

Walking to work about half an hour ago (10:30 am 4/14), I saw a convertible Mini Cooper scooting down Mad. Ave. at 38th St. Inside was Charlie Rose driving with the top down, looking very rugged (or ragged, depending on how you look at things) in his beep-beepin' little speed machine. V. sexy, Charlie!

I saw Famke Janssen, who is absolutely beautiful in person, at Cain last night mingling with stars of the new film, It's All Gone Pete Tong. It was the premiere after party. She seemed to be having a good time, having a couple drinks and talking with friends.

mya at dinner late last night 4/14 1245amish at blue ribbon. with a gentleman sitting in a small corner table.

Sin City castmembers have been trolling Mercer Street these days. Mickey Rourke has been walking his tiny pooch up and down during smoking breaks. While a possible cousin to Tinkerbell Hilton, the little woofer seems more dignified under the arms of the former bruiser than some socialite. Mickey is short,a bit puffy, sunburnt pink, and weathered - but impressive nonetheless. He used to box in front of crowds, but autograph seekers seem to actually unnerve him - leave the guy alone! Carla Gugino looks about 22 in pulled back hair, jeans, all-stars, and a sweater that concealed her now famous bosoms. She manages to walk unperturbed by the sly glances of us menfolk. My glance was extra sly and extra long. I expect to see Benecio during my lunchbreak.

Saw Jeff Goldblum and Billy Crudup at Sardi's; they were there post-performance of The Pillowman (really good, btw) for some dinner given by rich people who donated money to the theater society. Jeff is tall-6'4"-and very sweet: he kissed my mother on the cheek and gave me an autograph signed 'Love!'. Not to be catty but his fiancee is approximately 11.5 years old. Billy was not as tall but, obviously, much better-looking, and he hugged me after I told him how great he had been (I wasn't lying, though of course I'd say that anyway). Then he signed my playbill and ran off while the rest of the cast stuck around for dinner.. probably to go meet Claire Danes. Yuck.

I was in a very trendy very overpriced shop on spring street this Sunday. As I was looking in the mirror I heard this voice behind me say, "Excuse me I need to use the mirror".I turn around and its that dude Topher Grace from TV.He proceeded to push his way in front of me and project his thoughts on the jacket he was trying on loud enough for the entire store to hear.He seemed very interested in drawing attention to his celebrity and providing entertainment for the two fawning teenaged girls that were following him around. I stood there for a minute, in awe of the show I was haphazardly throw into when finally he directed his attention towards me and said, "Come on, what do you think?!" (pointing to his jacket). It gave me great pleasure to tell him I did not prefer it. All in all he seems way cooler on the tube.

Had some interesting midday sightings. First, I went to the Antique Cafe for lunch and was sitting near The Earl and Countess of Albermarle you know, those funky royals Rufus and Sally. They were with a nanny and two boys and a friend. The only royal scandal to report was that one of the kids got chocolate all over his face. (It's funny when a toddler named Augustus gets scolded.) Just a few minutes after leaving the place I saw Charlie Rose, who had been pulled over by two cops. No idea why they were hassling him. They were showing him a piece of white paper. He was definitely getting
recognized by puzzled passersby. The fuzz eventually let him go. Whew!

Saw Parker Posey checking out at Whole Foods Union Square.Couldn't see what she was buying, but she was wearing these amazing gold metalic clogs.

Saw Bebe Neuwirth walking up Sixth Avenue between 13th and 14th Streets.Almost missed her - she looked so normal.

saw John Cameron Mitchell at Phoenix on 13th and A on Saturday, 8:45ish pm. He was tiny and with some gym queens who thought they were uber hot and weren't so wrong that they needed to be slapped or anything. But they weren't all that.

I just got back from the Food Emporium on 14th (by Fourth), and while I was there, Idina Menzel almost ran into me.At first I didn't believe it either, but who else has cheekbones sharp enough to cut you? Maybe nobody told her about the brand-new Whole Foods a block away. She looked busy, with hair a smidge wilder than usual, and very short.

saw rachel ray (aka the insane woman who makes thirty minute meals on the food network) about a week ago on 19th and broadway, she was with a pack of men smiling from ear to ear with very blond streaked hair. The perfect word to describe her: jolly.

Around noon on 4/10 at Broadway and 57th I had pulled over to park briefly in an open spot when people started yelling (at me, apparently). Suddenly the most enormouse SUV appeared in my rearview mirror and literally rolled into my rear bumper instead of waiting for me to get out of the way.Who should hop out but miniscule Lindsay Lohan the 10 people yelling at me turned out to be crappy PAs.I was apparently in Her spot. I moved once the little LA hellions backed off and the SUV gave me an inch to maneuver in. Lindsay trotted off to do her scene in the "rain" on one of the most beautiful spring days we've had so far.

After several unexciting sightings (Billy Crystal outside his theater signing autographs, Rebecca Gayhart and Delta Burke doing the same, and Bob Saget near Times Square talking on his cell phone), we returned to our hotel for one last drink in the bar.There, in the tiny lounge at The Muse, we heard the sweetest voice singing snippets of songs at the next table. And, turned around to see it was Reuben Studdard, American Idol himself.He and some friends were very low key, drinking champagne, chatting and laughing.He smiled when he saw that we recognized him, and seemed relieved when we didn't bother him. However, after his group left, the bartender groused about the size of the tip. Oh well, no one's perfect!

was at en japanese brasserie on hudson for happy hour last night (4/11) and ended up staying for dinner. sure glad i did - ended up sitting next to christy turlington and ed burns; they are super duper goodlooking wish they would get a bun in that oven! didn't hear much except that they were very polite and were raving about the food.

My girlfriend and I saw Alan Cumming walking by Bungalow 8 last weekend and she remarked that he could play a very young Pee Wee Herman if there was ever a movie done of his life. And I said they'd have to bring back Divine for Pee Wee's later years. Anyway I'm sure Alan has better projects to do.

On Monday 4/11, upon leaving Serendipity with my brother and sister (their idea, not mine), we heard whispers that Cher just entered the establishment. We whipped right back around and pushed through the crowd, exclaiming something about a lost wallet and having to pee. Saw Ms. "I Got You Babe" in the flesh, seated right by the restroom. We took turns waiting for the each other to use the restroom and staring at Cher.

Double sighting at Fred's on the upper west side. Saw Martha Plimpton and Bruce Willis having late dinner on the same night (Sat., Apr.9). Plimpton was with a cute brunette and looked kind of adorable. Willis, at another table, was doing some major-league canoodling with a twenty year old modelly-looking female. He had a ridiculous skull cap thing on his head and looked like Methuselah next to his date, who had the skin of a newborn. The long-haried roadie-type they were with paid the check.

So yesterday I was at the corner of 55^th St. and Broadway, and an overly tan little man dressed like he was auditioning for Miami Vice caught my eye. I thought, it looks a lot like Jean-Claude Van Damme, but considering that I have never seen one of his films, I was pretty unsure of myself. But as he kept walking towards me, I realized sure enough, it was the muscles from Brussels.

My boyfriend and I were waiting in line outside of Tartine in the West Village Monday night when Topher Grace walked up with and older couple that looked like it could be his parents.They saw the line and discussed waiting before deciding to head somewhere else.He didn't use his status to cut in front of the rest of us, which was very polite of him.He looked like a regular guy out with his parents.

La Goulue,Sun. night, 4/10, around 9:15. Finished with dinner and trying to put on my coat in the, charming, "Parisian" bistro, heard about three words and saw familiar facial hair as I overhung a neighboring table. Instantly recognized the source as Richard Schiff (Toby "Mr. Personality" Ziegler on West Wing/Jerry Wexler in "Ray"). Think he was with two women, but since I was staring down into his soup I made a hasty retreat through the - did I mention - crowded room?

I was waiting outside of a restaurant on West 23rd St and Eighth Avenue when Daryl Hannah walked past me on her way westward. Her head was slumped down and covered by a cap but I still recognized her face when she slipped by me. She wasn't wearing any makeup and looked a bit haggard and tired. She was schlepping her drycleaning on her back along with a shopping bag or two and seemed loathe for anyone to recognize her. In an unusual move for me, I decided to respect her privacy and not talk to her. Who knows, though, it might have brightened up her day a bit. I bet she didn't have to carry her own clothes back when Splash was big.

Saw Jimmy Smits and Mario Cantone (not together; the mind reels at the height difference alone) at Tuesday 4/12 performance of "The Pillowman". Smits looking good dressed down in khakis and untucked cotton shirt. Was with the wife(?) who looked like she never stops nagging him. Didn't see much of Cantone except denim jacket and unremarkable companion. Nobody pestered either of them, though there was lots of (not so) casual posing for (not so) surreptitious staring at Smits.

Last night (4/12) saw Mike Myers sitting at the bar of Blue Mill Tavern around 10 o'clock. I was trying to act like I was just looking in his direction, but he totally caught me. Was wearing dark clothes, with unidentifiable man. He was pretty cute with decent hair, which surprised me, as he usually has wierd haircuts in pictures.

I was hauling my fat-ass around the park this morning at about 6:15 when Mr. Cheryl Crow [Lance Armstrong] blew by me on his super-turbo-shiny bike at a million miles an hour. I thought about trying to get on his wheel, but then I remembered how slow I am.

Chris Robinson walking up hudson, ipod, aviators, jeans with patches, cool rock star groove going on today

Last night Leo and his gang were spotted having a late night supper at Koi- food wasnt the only thing they seemed to be enjoying. The gang also seemed to enjoy the view- a sexy brunette and a hot blonde sitting across the way.

On Monday afternoon, I saw Matt Dillon having lunch alone in Josephina s on the upper west side. He was on his cell asking did you hear about Patricia? , but then quieted down and finished his fries. He was reading the rest of the time. When he was leaving, he put on dark glasses and a black leather jacket and looked HOTTER than ever! He smiled at me on his way out!

i saw calvin klein in west village coffee shop doma.

saw lizzie grubman at evil trendy restaurant koi, she was there w cheban and a table full of guys who looked they were from long island.

Last night, I was moseying over to Fairway supermarket, and I saw a big hullabaloo on the side of the Beacon Theatre (across the street at 75^th & Broadway). It turned out that it was the red carpet for the VH1 Save the Music show, so I had some primo sightings as people came out of their cars. I saw the top of LL Cool J s head from afar, nothing to report but nice hat dude! Then I saw Katie Holmes, she is gorgeous and really tall and thin; David Duchovny, who is /so much /hotter than he appears on screen; Heidi Klum, who I did not think was that great before but now know is really tall, stunning and did not look pregnant; Jon Legend, who I had never heard of before but woo hoo; and Alicia Keys, who looked great, although I didn t like the nude sheath she was wearing. I also lucked out and got free tickets to the show, so viva la VH1! Once inside, I had the funniest sighting of the night, when I saw Al Reynolds bounding up the stairs. I spoke to him a little, he did not seem overly gay which was very surprising, but when I asked him where Star was, he kind of grimaced. But the man is really good looking! Anyway, it was fun, and it was nice to see tall celebs for a change.

Last Thursday (4/7) my boyfriend and I were having a drinks outside at Merchants on 7th Ave. to celebrate the beautiful weather.We'd been there for about an hour when Mario Cantone struts by in head-to-toe denim, gabbing away on his cell. (not too dissimilar from his character on Sex in the City.) Then minutes later Sam Waterston from Law and Order strolls by, walking a dog that apparently looked just like him.I didn't see it though.Funny how people get dogs that resemble them.

I saw Christian Campbell at the Chelsea Market on 9th Avenue, early Sunday afternoon, 4/10/05 with a girl. He looked cute, a tad too pretty for my taste, and surprisingly not that tall. Definitely a prettier version of Neve.

Heading West from Magnolia Bakery on Monday night [4/11] and who do I see walking towards us but the adorable and smiling Maggie Gyllenhaal. She was all bundled up in the spring chill and walking with another young woman. Seemed very low key and down to earth.

I just saw Daryl Hannah walking down 57th street near Carnegie Hall. She looked at me and seemed to be hoping that no one was looking at her.She wore a messenger hat, a jean jacket and jeans.She looked beautiful but absolutely exhausted.

I just saw Charlotte Ronson while walking back to my office in the fashion district.She was standing on a corner being lectured by an older man and did not look happy.She was holding a black portfolio and looked very forlorn... didn't she just leave Damon Dash or something? Guess the new business prospects aren't so swell.But, as always, she looked cute, wearing a shrunken jacket with Diesel jeans and brown suede bag.

I saw William Fichter on the UWS sat afternoon. He looked like he'd just come from central park. was in sweats and a hat, had that just worked out flush. My friend and i recognized him immediately, but couldn't place him to one specific movie. I did some sleuthing and found him on IMDB and he really is in Everything...still, he managed to go unnoticed among the throngs of people.

While strolling down Sullivan street on a beautiful (finally) Saturday, I saw Jai Rodriguez walking past Sullivan Bakery. I turned to my boyfriend and said "Hey, that was one of the guys from Queer Eye!" He said, "Which one?" to which I replied, "You know, the gay one!" Not my greatest Mensa moment.