Editor & Publisher queen bee Jesse Oxfeld enlightens us all on the matter of yesterday's "Conversations" luncheon on Mideast peace, hosted by The Week. Per usual, the attendees were more interesting than the speakers (precisely why we tend to ignore these events). In that vein, Oxfeld discusses the "What?" guests in the audience, whose mere presence at such a gathering makes one exclaim "What?" in disbelief:

For example, I entered the dining room, looking for friends I could eat with, and my eye glanced past — of all people — Phillip Seymour Hoffman. What? Tina Louise, clearly, is a What? Richard Meier, the architect, was at the main table with the Sideline Players. Dr. Judy, the radio sex therapist, asked a question. I was told Gay American Jim McGreevey was there. Even Jeff Jarvis was in attendance, typing away at laptop, despite the event having nothing to do with the transformative power of blogging.

But there were two at today's lunch who, while very different, perhaps outdo all What?s at all The Week lunches.

First, sitting toward the right of the house, Mr. Christopher Walken.

And, sitting house left, none other than Tony Danza.

Who presumably has some deep thoughts on the Middle East.

Mock all you want, but send Mona to the Tigris, and shit will get done.

Here's to the Ladies (and Gentlemen) Who Lunch [E&P]