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Today's Daily Candy describes the worrisome symptoms:

Jittery hands.
Heart palpitations.
Then the certain crash. [...]
The solution? Another fix, of course. (This is the 90210, people.)

Did the doctor probe a little too deeply with his restorative needle, delivering his paralyzing toxins directly into your brain instead of merely slackening the muscles in your forehead? Is a highly unfashionable seizure imminent, likely to appall all of your fellow Kitson shoppers? Are you about to suffer and die like a goldfish dropped on a hot plate?

No, silly! Before you think another Botox party with a better qualified physician is the answer to you problem (you're never letting the cleaning lady suggest a doctor again), don't fret—the Daily Candy crew is talking about the feeling you get shopping in Beverly Hills. And eating cupcakes. Whew.