Looking At The Look Book

In this week's very special edition of the Look Book, New York mag hunts down the intolerably hip Mark Recker, a record label assistant who hangs at Northsix and wears Club Monaco (no, you may not punch the Look Book). Mark's label works with Evanesence and Creed, so it should be hardly surprising that Mark loves him some Kiehl's. There was only one man worthy of sitting on Intern Alexis' stylist roundtable for commentary: Jonathan Cheban. After the jump, J-Chebs and Daniel Felder weigh in on Mark Recker's style.
Daniel Feder, publishing and editorial assistant
Forget "active" and "hard" — how can we make Mark more PUNK ROCK?
Punk rock? Please. This guy is a Reck. (Sorry.) One way Mark could be a little more punk rock is to forget that he knows the name of the men's line of Miss Sixty. Also, shilling for your fucking dermatologist in an interview is Park Avenue hooker, not Bowery whore.
Let's play that game — which rock star does Mark resemble most (either in attitude or physique)?
I don't know. Mark seems to be packing on a few extra lbs. around the midsection, so maybe physique-wise we should go with Stephen Jenkins, or even Hootie in that Burger King commercial. Attitude...yeah, also Hootie. And Liam Gallagher wants his glasses back.
I have a band and I want Mark to sign me up...How do I get Mark's attention?
Mark says he spends a lot of time "screening the incoming talent" at havens for totally unsigned, completely underground bands like Irving Plaza, Bowery Ballroom, and Northsix. This is actually pretty brilliant on his part, as he gets to go to shows on his company's dime and then come back and report that, oops, all the bands already have record deals. So your best bet to get Mark's attention? Maybe a video on this new "Music Television" thing.
Mark is clearly attracted to the gritty side of rocking out, despite being a Kiehl's user. What's Mark's rock star "problem" of choice?
The crazy chicks. He's like, "Whoa, back off. I just moisturized."
What would Mark do if we took away his Kiehl's?
"I also follow women's fashion; it's always been an interest of mine." That is, some men just wouldn't make it without their Kiehl's.
Jonathan Cheban, Publicity Guru and Gawker Icon
Forget "active" and "hard" — how can we make Mark more PUNK ROCK?
Mark has too many looks going on: 1/3 PILOT, 1/3 GQ, 1/3 British Invasion circa 1999. He s a perfect candidate to get PUNK ROCKED! Cut those sleeves off on the jacket, throw some purple in the hair, get some rings on the finger, put some pins on the jacket and throw in a wallet chain. The glasses and the tie should be thrown out simultaneously.
Let's play that game — which rock star does Mark resemble most (either in attitude or physique)?
He doesn t really resemble a rock star to me. He looks like a young Frank Perdue(RIP) undercover at the Tyson chicken farm checking out the competition.
I have a band and I want Mark to sign me up...How do I get Mark's attention?
The best way to get Mark's attention is to send him your CD in a Kiehl's giftbasket.
Mark is clearly attracted to the gritty side of rocking out, despite being a Kiehl's user. What's Mark's rock star "problem" of choice?
His problem is that he's trying to be too much like a rock star instead of signing any bands. He needs to use that hour he wastes in the morning getting ready and get to work early! But you have to give him credit for trying.
What would Mark do if we took away his Kiehl's?
I think Mark would make you listen to all the music on his label (over and over). (And over again.)