It's been over a month since we've heard much about Evelyn the Food Whore, the Craigslist "icon" who may or may not exist. To recap: Evelyn was one of those spectral personalities of bulletin-board culture whose existence was asserted by several men claiming to have met her online, only to be been duped by her exorbitant dinner demands. This hypothetical woman would order expensive, multi-course meals, eat an inhuman amount, and reportedly purge after courses. A one-woman pyramid scheme for bulimia, if you will.

Evelyn, real or not, just might get a mass audience, thanks to the Washington Post. We hear that a WaPo reporter actually hunted down the suspected woman's parents to confirm or deny the Evelyn problem (we're guessing it's a confirmation, since there are actual, non-internerdy parents involved). We can't wait to see how this one pans out — EvelynGate? PurgeGate? CraigsGate? The possibilities are endless.

Or, you know, maybe they'll just leave the poor, sick woman alone. But we don't really see that happening.