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Any out-of-work actor can't just spend his last Carl's Jr. residual check on a superhero costume and stride up to the Chinese Theatre expecting to make beer money by posing for photos with tourists. Established Bizarro Crocodile Dundees, Supermen, and Caped Crusaders have already staked out their turf, and trying to horn in on the action has consequences. A reader reports on a trip to Hollywood Blvd this afternoon:

Had to see if those Star Wars nerds were still there, so decided to head over to the Coffee Bean at Orange and Hollywood to check out the scene. I did not expect to see anything better than the geeks at the wrong theater, but was treated to a fight between the costumed Batmen in front the Chinese getting into a turf war, snout-to-snout style! Eventually, the lesser Batman stormed off, (heading to Universal City Walk perhaps), and all was right in Gotham. I overheard a worker at the Bean say that the better Batman won out, since he had been one of the first ones on the scene when a customer at Baja Fresh ended up taking a spill through their glass door on Sunday.

That must've been quite a beautiful tableaux on the Walk of Fame, as the gang of amateur Jedi, Storm Troopers, and Sith lords watched the Chinese's semi-pro costumed lunatics duke it out. Throw in Princesses Leia and Amidala making out, and it's like a thirty-five-year-old virgin's imagination come to life on the Boulevard.