When the weather gets warm, the stalking gets hot. Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to tips@gawker.com.

In this edition, in no particular order: Cameron Diaz and "her son" Justin Timberlake, Kid Rock, Leo and Giselle, Lindsay Lohan. Harvey Weinstein, Minnie Driver, Jay-Z, Drew Barrymore and Fabrizio Moretti, Olsens, Matt LeBlanc, Ralph Nader, Jimmy Fallon, various members of Green Day, Jimmy Fallon, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Pierce Brosnan, Kate Hudson and Chris Robinson, Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor, Wallace Shawn, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Vincent Pastore, Ian Somerhalder, Mike Myers, Ice-T and Coco, Fabian Basabe, David Wain, Tim Robbins, virtually everyone ever from Full House, Matthew Broderick, Uma Thurman and Andre Balazs, Sean Lennon and Lizzie Jagger, Derek Blasberg, Heather Matarazzo, Michael Showalter, Carson Kressley, a bunch o' BoSox, Liza Minnelli, Dennis Hopper, Jason Giambi, Willem Dafoe, Albert Hammond Jr., Christian Slater, David Bowie and Iman, John Cameron Mitchell, Katie Holmes, Betsey Johnson, Kimora Lee Simmons, Pele, Hank Azaria, Jonathan Cheban, Jay Wilkinson, Austin Pendleton, and Anita Lo.

Last night, I was at the SNL after party at new club Rockcandy, and I saw Kid Rock with a washed up, trashy old porn star looking girl, Cameron Diaz with her son Justin Timberlake, Jimmy Fallon...so adorable although his striped sweater is rather tired, Horatio Sanz in a rather drunken state, but not as bad as Jimmy & last but not least I saw Tre Cool (drummer from Green Day), complete with body guard in tow, at the bar flirting tirelessly with Xiomara from America's Next Top Model. I am a closet Top Model fan, but my GOD she is so gorgeous, I had to do a doubletake & so tall, she towered over him. THE END!

Sunday afternoon saw Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake leaving Whole Foods in Columbus Circle - both in heavy sunglasses but not that in cognito all things considered. I'm just psyched that I saw 3 of the SNL guests (including Tre Cool) in and around their Saturday performance. :)

On Saturday night, Giselle was at Suede, dancing up a storm in with some friends in the back corner of the VIP section. She seemed to be having a good time, and wasn't being harassed at all by the Far-Less-Important-People. She left at about 2, and brushed passed me on her way out. I may never wash again.

Saw our fave redhead of the momemnt Lindsay Lohan courtside at the Knicks game last night (4/8) not sure who she was with (some nondescript blond in a red beret) and the ever present Spike Lee was sitting a few seats away.

saw leonardo dicaprio and giselle bunchen locking up their bikes outside polka dot cake studio on bleecker street and 7th ave. they headed down bleecker and it didn't seem like anyone recognized them in their baseball hats and sweatpants.

What a great day! I saw Harvey Weinstein at Cipriani's Downtown hopping from table to table. Then a little while later I saw Ashley Olsen outside Mercer Hotel. She had her hood up and walked right into her car...and I think her boyfriend followed after. Then I saw Minnie Driver a little lost on Mercer and Spring. It's springtime and the celebs have hit the streets.

Saw jay-z walking out of Ono last night about 9:30 he is awesome.

I was at V Steakhouse last night at the Time Warner Center, and ended up sitting next to Drew Barrymore and her Stroke boyfriend [Fabrizio Moretti] all cuddly and cute. The seats there are close, so I could hear them giggling and talking throughout dinner. She sort of hit me with her bag on accident and was all apologetic and sweet about it. And she's beautiful.

My favorite celebrity midget- Ashley Olsen at Butter late Tuesday night, or erly Wednesday morning. Also spotted: Rich Girl & D-list celebrity Jamie Gleicher.

Saw a bloated Matt LeBlanc Tuesday (4/5) on W. 13th street in the Meatpacking District filming an episode of "Joey" I'm guessing. He was wearing a red baseball cap, sunglasses of the unfabulous-variety, jeans, and a jacket. He seeemed to be hiding in the midst of all the production staffers until an orange-skinned Paris-wannabe walked by with a tiny dog in a padded carrying case... Matt then began to try and chat (flirt) briefly as she walked away.

Sunday afternoon I sat across the aisle from Ralph Nader on a much-delayed United Express flight between Dulles and JFK. Did you know he smokes Pall Malls? He finished the Washington Post and was obviously itching to converse, probably about the Jim Harrison memoir in his lap.

Friday late night brought a trip to Coffee Shop in Union Square where I saw Tre Cool from Green Day leaving with a lovely lady. He was gussied up for the end of the night, but I could only guess that he was readying himself for his next night's performance on SNL?

Enjoying a beautiful day on my lunch break, I saw MTV's succeeding "Newlyweds", Travis Barker and very bottle blonde wife ( I don't know her name...yet). They were outside Mercer Kitchen. Travis was wearing one of those loose fitting tank tops where the arm hole goes down to his waist, exposing his great body art. I guess only a rock star can eat at Mercer Kitchen dressed that way.

Just got back from a greasy burger lunch at McHales on 46th and 8th and saw Philip Seymor Hoffman at the table behind us. He was being interviewed by or discussing some project with an older tall guy with long hair and a young, eager reportertype brunnette who was taking notes. PSH was not paying much attention to the discussion as the Yankee game was on. He has bottled water in his pocket and was unshaven and looked like he had a rough night last night.

Yesterday evening (4/5) I spotted Pierce Brosnan browsing for dvds in the downstairs of Tower Records at Lincoln Center then when I walked out of Tower, I spotted Liam Neeson walking down the street dressed in a black suit, with dark sunglasses. He s very tall and very lanky in person

Kate Hudson and her husband [Chris Robinson] paid a visit to my local wine shop on Jones Street in the West Village. They were hanging out with the owner of the shop drinking wine. Like the loser investment banking whore that I am, all I was able to muster was a smile that was more smirk than smile. She smiled back and said "hey, how are you?" To which I said "good, and you?". Smooth huh? She is very very cute. Not much makeup on...the type that wakes up pretty.

My friend and I always complain that we NEVER have any celeb sightings on our frequent trips into the city. Today (4/6) we had four of them. While walking around the Village, we got completely lost around Christopher Street. We started walking in one direction, completely talking about random things when I spotted Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor hand-in-hand, window shopping. After being completely shocked at an actual celebrity sighting, we turned and followed them (at a safe distance) for about 15 minutes as they weaved their way through the Village. Ben is much shorter in person - they're both so petite. About an hour later, we were still somewhere around the Village and Soho area when we turned down this random street. No one walking down the street, except this couple walking towards us about 25 feet away, who turned out to be Kate Hudson and hubby Chris Robinson. They're both much taller than I had imagined and super thin. They walked past us and Kate shot us a friendly smile. Of course, after we picked up our jaws from the ground, we turned around to stalk them for a bit, but they were much faster than Ben and Christine. Definitely the highlight of my week.

A few weeks ago I saw Wallace Shawn outside the Rubin Museum of Art, on 17th. He was wearing what looked like an old LL Bean jacket and he was walking toward 7th. He smiled at me in that "yes, I'm famous" kind of way.

Walking home from the Todd Solondz repulsion-fest at MoMA, we passed (a lankier, more attractive than one would imagine) Maggie Gylenhaal with her arm draped around some other woman and accompanied by two men, one wearing full cowboy regalia. They were standing outside of the Park Avenue Country Club, leading me to wonder if she is researching for an upcoming role in a movie about ex-frat brothers who are only living in the city long enough to find blondes dumb enough to marry them and move to Greenwich.

Wednesday around 5 pm, Vincent Pastore walking quickly south down Sixth past Radio City Music Hall, phone to ear, water bottle in hand. No beating victims or civil authorities in sight.

Wednesday night in the LES. At Orchard Bar, the guy from Lost, Ian Somerhalder, that came in with some scenester friends. A brunette stuck to his side all night, ordering gin and tonics and shooting dirty looks to anyone who had the gall to look at her man. He is just as cute as on TV, but shorter than I thought. That same night, two blocks down, I passed Mike Myers surrounded by lackeys holding white sheets as he filmed something. He was very gracious and seemed apologetic about holding up foot traffic, but most of the hipsters pretended not to know who he was.

If anyone cares, I got a pedicure across from Ice-T and his skanked out wife, Coco, at Dashing Diva (8th Street b/w University Place and Broadway.) He looked very old and grayish, and "Coco" looked out of place in her excuse for a shirt. The lady doing my nails didn't know his name, but said they come in every three weeks together for pedicures.

I went to the dress to kilt event with my friend last night Fabian Basabe was there and he was very close with another man. I have heard numerous rumors that [so, so redacted] with his publicist R. Couri Hay.

David Wain bicycling alone down Rivington St. near Freeman's Alley last night. He got away before I had time to yell "Stella!!"

I saw Tim Robbins hailing a cab on 15th street and 7th avenue at 11am He looks old but he's still a hottie!

Saw Uncle Jesse himself, John Stamos, on CPW & 64th near the ABC buildings. Looked suave and sleek coming toward us in a black suit with black shades and jet-black hair Skin wasn't that great, though. Maybe he was coming from persuading ABC brass to keep him on the air.

Matthew Broderick on 56th Street. A.) Adorably chubby. B.) Dazed. C.) Blond. D.) Mysteriously soaking wet. E.) All of the above.

Saw Uma Thurman with her beau, Andre Balazs, at Otto, on 5th Ave and 8th St, last night 4/6. She was wearing a black and white tweed coat with a black skirt and heels, looking very thin and chic. She and Andre were whisked away into the back before we knew it.

was at hiro on wednesday night, and thought i would be happy to report that it's officlal: sean lennon and lizzie jagger are dating. that's what it looked like when they were all snuggly buggly in a booth, that is, until some dude came up and broke that shit up. my
friend informed me that it was someone who is used to doing that kind of stuff, cause it was professional homewrecker derek blasberg. who totally ignored lizzie and went for a bespectacled bearded lennon. They danced scandalously together (i always thought sean lennon was a gay), but to my gossiping disapointment, lennon ended up back with the liz. i want to say they looked cute together (sean and liz that is) but it's difficult relenting that fact knowing they both never have to do anything in their life and will be forever the happy dancing couple that can giggle and not worry about getting up early the next day. so jealous. And lizzie is lanky anyway. vito schnabel was there too, who i also may suspect may be a gay. this begs me to ask: are all pansy rich boys gay? or just like to act like it?

On Thursday (4/7) I saw Heather Matarazzo of Welcome to the Dollhouse fame and her lesbian lover at Better Burger in Chelsea. Heather was wearing a black top, blue jeans and clunky black shoes. I love her as an actress, and really had to hold back from attacking her verbally with movie quotes such as "I'm gonna rape you" and "lesbo! lesbo!" She had on no make up but had naturally flawless skin. Her girlfriend on the other hand... let's not even talk about what she was wearing. Over-sized t-shirt and long hair in a pony tail? Scary college-girl jock. Whatever, at least they looked happy together, playing footsies under the table.

I am doomed to continue to run into Michael I m out of he-eeere Showalter, but never speak to him. My latest sighting (this is my fourth) was at The Slipper Room last night. I was seeing the Legitimate Theater Company s hilarious production of 12th Night, and all of the sudden during the first act, Michael Showalter runs on stage! I was shocked and thrilled at the idea that he was in the show, but he wasn t he just needed to grab his coat

for the 4 people that still watch queer eye, i spotted carson kressley - sporting his trademark burned, blond mullet - at the 22nd street entrance to the n-r-w train. he seemed a little confused by the turnstile that kept refusing his metro card. don't worry, carson, that turnstile is pretty tricky. next time use the one on the right!

Standing on 8th Avenue last night, enjoying the beautiful weather and the company of my lovely boyfriend when who walks out of Food Bar but Carson from Queer Eye. His blonde locks were looking perfect, and he looked quite tiny and plain in jeans, a t-shirt, and a fitted leather jacket. And no, not a hint of "flair" in sight.

At Tao on Tuesday night (4/5), we saw several Boston Red Sox — including Jason Veritek, Kevin Millar, and Tim Wakefield enjoying beers beneath the Buddha. A significantly scrawner, but very dapper Andy Litinsky (the master debater from Season 2 of The Apprentice) was having dinner with a large party a table away.

Otto Pizzeria off of Washington Square, Uma Thurman and hotelier-boyfriend Andre Balazs sauntered in at around 10 p.m., each possibly craving some munchies. Wrapped in sheer fabric, she was extremely tall and absolutely stunning. The two ordered a bottle of wine and a little food and made out at a back table periodically throughout the evening. They stayed only a little more than an hour.

Saw Liza Minnelli yesterday around 7PM in front of Union Square Park, getting ready to cross Park Avenue in front of the Union Square Theater (where De La Guarda used to play). She was standing with two men and a woman; they were so into their conversation I didn't dare attempt to break her away with an "OMG, YOU'RE LIZA!" shriek. She looked very very nice - the jet black Liza cut and the eyes visible from two miles away (which is about where I noticed her from!), black suit that was a little baggy on her but still chic. Do you think the guys at my gym in Chelsea will slap me for not acknowledging her?

Yesterday at 4.45 at Pastis, Dennis Hopper - dressed conservatively in blue blazer and cap - and a white-beareded friend were having a late lunch at Pastis - while Dennis snapped photos of locals and the neighborhood from his outdoor seat. When he finally left the restaurant, at least seven paparazzi jumped out from various hiding spots: a mercedes, a table, a large delivery truck - and began snapping away. I have no idea what Dennis was out to shoot - but the site of paparazzi taking pictures of Dennis taking pictures ... made patrons pull out THEIR cameras to take pictures of paparazzi taking
pictures of a celb taking pictures. It was all very bizarre.

Was at Spice Market last night (4/7) walking out when I passed a very large and muscular man talking on his cell phone by the front door. My celebrity radar was off as my boyfriend turned to me and said: "Um hello, Jason Giambi standing there next to you..." Of course had to walk back in a say hello to him, which got his reply of "Hi Honey!" to me. He's the definition of Beefcake in person.

let's just say willem dafoe isn't all that pretty on screen and definitely scared the hell out of me on tuesday night when i ran into him at jane and w 4th in the village. i was on my phone and he was walking towards me with big boufante hair, scowl on his face and desperately in need of moisturizer. isnt he dating some teenager these days?

yesterday 4/7 was walking on 2nd ave and 9th street and saw albert hammond jr of the strokes and his fiance catherine pierce (who is newly brunette and looks even more stunning) standing on the street talking to a tiny brunette girl who looked as though she could've been catherine's sister. albert was seemingly unaware of the humidity and was decked out in full strokes regalia, including button up shirt and blazer. i keep seeing him on the street and am amazed at how much hotter he is in person! now get to work on that 3rd album, dude.

I was standing outside of the W Hotel in times square last night trying to hail a cab when I saw Christian Slater just standing there trying to make a phone call. He wasnt as short as one would expect.

I was fortunate enough last evening to have seen David Bowie and Iman crossing Houston on Lafayette. He wasn't wearing anything crazy...but had a great head of hair. He looked like a rock star because he is a rock star. Iman looked young and attractive...5 minutes later I saw that fat guy with the big side burns, trucker hat and glasses that was in that music video coming out of the Crunch at Astor Place. He, on the other hand, is not a rock star. Rock stars don't wear sweat pants and have mutton chops.

Saw John Cameron Mitchell in a production meeting during last weekend's deluge of rain. Was at the head of the table with about 4 others outside the coffee shop next to Spoonbill Sugartown Bookstore on Bedford.

I saw Katie Holmes Friday at about 7:10 walking up sixth between Washington Place and Waverly. Walking between two friends laughing acting like she had not a care in the world. Very pretty, and I did the standard double take (that girl's pretty...reall pretty...she looks like...wait that's Katie Holmes).

Saw Betsey Johnson, the designer, getting out of a cab on 7th Ave and 37th St Thursday around 9:20am (I was running late to work). I rarely notice people on the street, but the sight of a leg encased in the ugliest tights paired with the funkiest wedge shoes, warranted to a second glance. The next thing I noticed was crazy red hair a face full of makeup. After she stepped from the cab, she began to wildly wave her arms in the air greeting someone I hope she knew in the Cosi there. I believe that I know what happened to Baby Jane....

Just got back from seeing the play Privilege, starring Bob Saget. As my friend and I walked up to our seats, I noticed that right across the aisle was an Olsen twin. She was dressed in typical Olsen attire, and had a boy (seemed to be a boyfriend) with her. Everyone around us was frantically texting and calling people. As we were watching her, she got up to hug a good looking guy who came in. It took me a while to realize it was John Stamos, with what seemed to be a bodyguard in tow. A few seconds later they were joined by Dave Coulier (with beautiful blonde woman), and then it was only a matter of time before Olsen twin #2 showed up (also with a boy). They had four seats in front of four other seats, and they quickly shuffled themselves around so that the Full Housers would be in the middle with the dates/bodyguard on the outside. Throughout the show (which was only moderately funny, despite being written by Paul Weitz), John Stamos was laughing hysterically at every line and rocking back and forth in his seat. I imagine there were people in the theater who didn't know who he was, who just thought, "Who's that annoying guy laughing really loudly at everything?" One of the Olsen twins also giggled a lot. And after one non-funny fart-related joke, Dave Coulier poked John Stamos in the shoulder. When the curtain came down exactly eight people in the audience (guess who) gave the show a standing ovation. On the way out of the theater, no one was talking about the actual play. I did, however, overhear one middle-aged mother telling her daughter that the Olsens looked "slutty."

Just saw Kimora Lee Simmons at the A&P in Woodcliff Lake, NJ (town next door to her Saddle River mansion). Dressed down in grey gymwear in the floral dept. Super tall and pretty w/o makeup.

Friday night (4/8) I saw Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz at Blue Ribbon Sushi on Sullivan St. They were waiting for a table with a group of his friends that looked like N' Sync leftovers (or was he a Backstreet Boy?). Either way, they weren't seated quickly as the restaurant was packed, so they left after 10 minutes or so. Both are shorter than you would think and beautiful.

On Wednesday night I saw Pele (soccer legend, and perhaps the most important athlete of he 20th Century - he once stopped a war) at the Mandarin Oriental in the Time Warner Center. He was hanging out with some friends and looked like he was enjoying being in one of the few countries in the world where he doesn't get mobbed in public (in fact when asked to confirm the siting, our waitress responded, "Who?").

Billie Joe from Greenday was at MercBar in SoHo on Friday night with one of the guys from Bon Jovi. He was decked out in eyeliner and stood outside for like 20 minutes, taking pictures with people. He's very short!

Friday afternoon I saw Hank Azaria walking around Columbus Circle he looked like he was coming back from working out and was hoping no one recognized him.

via blackberry: Jonathan Cheban in front of me right now @ showing of duchovny's house of d movie. He is in the 3rd row - general seating - suprised he couldn't get better resevered seating! Oops...there he goes he pulled some strings and got a better seat w/ his 2 friends.

I spotted the gorgeous Jay Wilkison (Riley from One Life to Live) today. It was a beautiful day and he was walking down the street hand-in-hand with his girlfriend before they stopped into a cute little bakery on 89th and Broadway. I recognized him immediately and tried not to stare as I walked past. He was looking very good in a tight, long-sleeve white shirt and jeans.

On the downtown 1 train I was sitting across from Austin Pendleton (yeah, it took me a while to remember who he is too). He was giving some other passengers directions, and then they and everyone else in the car started saying, "You were in Finding Nemo!" I'm sure the money's good, but that must really suck. Some people next to me were trying to remember his name and so they asked him to sign their copy of the Voice (turns out it's good for something after all). His signature was sufficiently illegible as to leave them clueless. We both got off at Christopher Street, where he vanished and I ran smack into the filming of something that was attracting a lot of starstruck teenagers with cellphone cameras and pimply older men with their hands in their pockets. I think it may involve Lindsey Lohan.

not that it's the most exciting thing, but i saw celebrity chef (i hate that phrase) Anita Lo this afternoon. Not much of a surprise, because it was at her new counter-service dumpling place, Rickshaw, on 23rd and 6th (so good, try the pan-fried thai chicken dumplings). She totally kicked Mario Batali's ass on Iron Chef America last night. I wanted to congratulate her, but she looked scowly.