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This week's Stranger contains a particularly impassioned 'I, Anonymous' letter that reveals just how far our society has descended into a waking Hobbesian nightmare. The writer recounts a crime so terrible, he or she is prompted to say the following to his or her assailant:

You are everything that is wrong with the world. You are why the world hates Americans. I hope you get cancer, the type that doesn't go into remission. As you lay bedridden, pissing yourself, I hope you develop ulcers and skin tears that become infected with gangrene. I hope this spreads to your family, and you all die horribly painful deaths. I hope every infectious, painful, awful torture this earth can heap upon a single person lands on you, and blasts your fucking genes from the reproductive pool

What did this sick, evil bastard do? We don't even dare to say. But some crimes are just so despicable, so reprehensible, they deserve their own Law & Order spin-off. This is one of those crimes.