· 60 Minutes II will probably hang its Peabody Award on the CBS communal fridge with a note to Les Moonves: 'Cancel what?' Jon Stewart to send his to his mother with a note reading "Still mad I never went to med school?" [PRNewsWire]
· Canadians: Can't live with 'em; Didn't really know you were livin' with 'em to begin with. [FishBowlNY]
· The Night of the Long Pies continues. The latest "victim": David "The Horra" Horowitz. (Maybe it was grown-up children of Black Panthers returning the shitty breakfasts he shoved down their throats three decades ago.) It's only a matter of time before Jonah Goldberg gets it in the piehole. [Wonkette]
· What if the Pope's funeral had been overseen by conceptual artists? [Greg.org]