· Two takes on the ubiquitous Mr. Jonathan Livingston Safran Seagull Foer: The Times' 'Boldface' boosts him up; Freelance lit assassin William Georgiadis in The Post tears him down. [NYT; NYP]
· FOX 411's Roger Friedman offers a heartfelt two sentence tribute to Saul Bellow. Had Bellow lived ten more years, he might've earned another sentence fragment. [FOXNews]
· Michelle Malkin to begin boycotting Taco Bell. [NYT]
· Slate senior content producer Jacob Weisberg really must like Kazuo Ishiguro's new novel. First he lauded it for the waning queen bee of buzz, then he commissioned Margaret Atwood to endorse it. We don't read books, so we'll take his word for it. [Topic A; Slate]