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· It just might be time for a new installment of our Race from the Altar series: While spending a week at a Santa Monica hotel, Britney and Kevin reportedly stayed in seperate rooms. History dictates that should Brit be carrying the Federletus, K-Fed will soon leave her. For me. [Page Six]
· Nicole Kidman loves her adopted kids, we're sure, but now that she's free from ex-husband Tom Cruise, she's ready for some old fashioned insemination. [Scoop]
· Don Hill's is canning its 80's night by abruptly firing DJ Frankie Inglese. And we have no idea how Lloyd Grove got this story. [Lowdown]
· Marlon Brando may have been more of a perv than previously thought, as a former lackey claims that Brando exposed himself to her. Surprisingly, she lived to tell! [R&M]