· We checked the date on this thing twice to make sure it wasn't another April Fool's prank: Is Jeff Gannon/James Guckert really Johnny Gosch, an Iowa boy who was kidnapped in 1982 by a "child pedophlia ring"? (As opposed to those geriatric pedophilia rings.) This is shaping up to be the most amazing TV movie LoGo ever hasn't made yet. [Des Moines Register]
· Elizabeth Spiers, founding editor of this website and current editor-in-chief of Mediabistro, looks at the end of Joyce Wadler's 'Boldface Names' tenure at The Times. [Salon]
· From the genius who brought you Jonathan Franzen-as-Charlie Brown comes 'The Adventures of Lethem and Chabon.' Or, as Ayelet Waldman calls it "My beautiful, wonderful husband and some other guy." [Book Lust, via Maud Newton]
· Al Gore unveils his new cable network and internet presence. And thank god! We have a whole file of jokes about how boring Gore is that have been collecting dust. We keep it... in... a lock box. See? [SF Chronicle]