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Maybe people are wrong about the faith that Tom Cruise so fervently and publicly embraces. Not only might the Scientologists possibly be somewhat accepting of vaguely-defined "ethical" relationships which may or may not include homosexuals, they've also been honored by a JV member of the Bush family for their hurricane-related charity work in Florida (where, coincidentally, the organization's Clearwater headquarters is located):

Members of the group — which was put in the spotlight this week by the New York Daily News for its alleged anti-homosexual philosophy — were given a “Points of Light Award” as Hurricane Heroes. Scientology volunteers have been high profile at disaster scenes recently, distributing food and water, as well as delivering controversial “touch assist” healings that supposedly help victims through the laying on of hands.

If those "touch assist" booths are good enough for Cruise's crew on War of the Worlds, they're certainly good enough for the hurricane victims. And in an even more generous move, L. Ron Hubbard's disciples have constructed temporary shelters for those displaced by the disaster out of remaindered copies of Dianetics.