A reader email compels us to be "serious" for a moment:

Drudge posted "Pope Dies" above his banner, with no additional information. Is someone playing an April Fool's joke, or is Drudge that much of a dick that he'd try to break a story with no info?

Excellent question. A few minutes ago, CNN made a quick announcement that, according to Reuters, the Pope has died. However, CNN could not make an independent confirmation and the story has yet to hit the wires. They've since shied away from mentioning it again and have returned to speaking in the "if"-tense, as in, "If this information were to be correct..." and, "If the Italian agency is correct about the flatlined EKG..."

And yes, Drudge is that much of a dick.
Update: And now, CNN is saying that the Pope is technically NOT dead. So, to reiterate, Drudge is a twatty.