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· Ted Koppel quits December. Can't anyone quit the old-fashioned way, where they storm off the set in an expletive-laden huff, punching their executive producer in the jaw? People have no sense of what makes a good story these days. We blame the bloggers. [Variety, THR]
· Paramount shocker! Chairman Brad Grey thinks newly-minted president Gail Berman will do a bang-up job in her new position! [THR]
· "'I recognize that there is skepticism about my background so I come into this with a great deal of humility,' Berman told Daily Variety. 'The bottom line is going to be fostering an environment where creative ideas will transfer into great films.'" Translation: "Fuck all y'all. I am going to crack some fucking skulls the second I step on the lot, and you can't stop me." [Variety]
· The European Commission has approved MGM's sale to Sony. Let the layoffs and the multimillion-dollar severance packages commence. [Variety]
· Tiny, bajillionaire DreamWorks Animation despot Jeffrey Katzenberg assures his company's investors that flooding theaters with eight Shrek sequels a year won't oversaturate the market. As he's prroven over and over again, the public's thirst for green ogre cock is completely unquenchable. [THR]