Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Henry Kissinger, Anna Wintour, Will Smith, Sylvester Stallone, Nicky Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Winona Ryder, Samuel L. Jackson, Lizzie Grubman, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, Atoosa Rubenstein, Liam Neeson and Natasha Richardson, Matt Damon, Mike Myers, Kate Hudson, David Arquette, Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor, Al Sharpton, Jai Rodriguez, Michael Showalter, Olsens, Steve Kroft, Linda Fiorentino, Paul Bettany, Rachel Dratch, Parker Posey, Katie Holmes, Dave Chappelle, Jimmy Fallon, Julia Stiles, Amy Sedaris, Mike Myers, Adrien Grenier, John Waters, Rachel Weisz, Mo Rocca, Ana Matronic, Sandra Bernhard, and Justin Bond.

I saw Henry Kissinger at the Nomadic Museum on Thursday, 3/24 around 4:00. Would have taken a photo, but he was on the way to the port-a-potties.

Last Thursday having lunch at Osteria del Circo, and in the tiny booth was Henry Kissinger and an unidentified blond. Henry looked like was wearing make-up.

I just shared an elevator with Anna Wintour at the Conde Nast building. It was the first time I had seen her around and it was a very satisfying sighting because she was a total caricature of herself. (Huge shades worn indoors, severely tailored suit with fur collar and she was even having a phone conversation that consisted of little more than "oh but darling you simply CAN'T...")

Saw Will Smith today (3/29) at the Viacom building in Times Square. Seemed really impressed with himself and all the attention he was getting from the female interns who act like their shit don't stink while making minimum wage to push the next manufactured pop act.

Saw Rocky, aka Sylvester Stallone, mugging for fans outside Brooklyn Diner this morning (3/29) on 57th near 7th. He was laughing and smiling and happily posing for pictures for fans, some of whom were obviously quite giddy about the experience. He was dressed nattily in a nice suit and seemed to be quite obliging.

Saw Nicky Hilton walking down Broadway in the Fashion District with a medium sized black man and an older fat bald man, both in suits. She was wearing a short sleeved black sweater and looked really cold with her arms folded smoking a cigarette. she had a ton of make up on, very orange tan, very very black hair. she is much thinner in person than I thought and tall.

last thursday night was walking with a friend down essex b/t Stanton and rivington when we noticed a bunch of movie trailers lined up along the street. out of nowhere, lindsay lohan storms past us on the sidewalk with four curlers in her hair and a really distressed look on her face. she was wearing a white sweater, which contrasted with the sickly burnt-orange shade of her skin. if mary-kate resembles a homeless munchkin, then (as my friend noted), lindsay's more like an oompa loompa.

Spotted on West Broadway near "The Plohound", Winona Ryder and Co., looking very petite (shocker) and dressed plainly. Had this sighting occurred circa 10 years ago, I probably would've flung myself into traffic, Martha Dumptruck-style, from sheer excitement. Now, I clutched my purse and tried to remember the name of that Sandler movie she was in. Poor Winona. How you say, Reality Bites?

Almost ran into the man himself, Samuel L. Jackson, at Lexington and 48th Street on Tuesday 3/29 at 6pm. He was walking head down, on his mobile, looking very un-movie star carrying a Duane Reade bag. No one seemed to notice as he chatted away.

Just had lunch at Shopsin's on Carmine and Bedford and as soon as I walked in I saw the uber-tan Lizzie Grubman sittingdown with a couple of guys and girl. She was loud, but friendly, with the staff. She had the meatloaf and praised it highly for everyone to hear. I expect to see that meatloaf caught by the paparazzi later this week in US Weekly.

on saturday 3/26, i walked out of american eagle and saw a huge crowd of people. turns out they were waiting for gwen stefani and gavin rossdale to check out of the mercer hotel. i couldn't see much, because i'm short and there were tons of people, but gavin is very attractive, and the two of them have very cheap-looking luggage. meanwhile, while everyone was waiting, i saw natalie imbruglia and daniel johns hop in a taxi without being noticed by anyone in the crowd.

Saw Atoosa Rubenstein walking on Broadway near the Seventeen offices today (3/30) around 9:30 am. Early for a big shot like her, but I only had one thought: who wears THAT MUCH makeup to work? Girlfriend looked like she was going clubbing. Honestly.

I was walking along the elipse this afternoon, which, despite the suggestion of Spring, was pretty quiet. That's why the couple sitting on an approaching bench caught my eye. As my vision sraightened out, and given my rude propensity to stare at people, I thought, wow, that guy would look so much more like Liam Neeson if he got a haircut. Wrong I was: it was Liam Neeson, with Natasha Richardson, looking out at the park and eating hot dogs and pretzel from their laps. Tranquil. Ahhhh.

Had a celeb sighting at the gym (Crunch on Lafayette) today. First, Matt Damon was exiting as I was entering, accompanied by a decidedly non-celeb type (his personal trainer?). He had no gym bag with him, so I'm guessing he didn't want to give any of the gym's sizable gay clientele an eyeful in the locker room. God forbid someone other than Affleck offer him a blowjob!

Smokin and drinkin' on a Tuesday night at the BC show. Recognizable VIP's included Kate Hudson (already documented how small and hot she is) with her pals. Then David Arquette showed up with someone that could have been Courtney Cox's sister but definitely
wasn't her (not like they were making out or anything). He was rocking out, and made the compulsory concert phone call, where he held the phone up to catch the music (was that a call to his wife?) He later left the friendly confines of the VIP box and made a dash through the audience to get closer to stage, bumping into listeners and apologizing very politely. Mid-way through the show, Ben Stiller and his wife Christine Taylor showed, no doubt coming straight from a performance of his new play. He was uncomfortably rocking until he finally recognized a song and sang along.

just saw the rev. al sharpton on 45th + 5th as i attempted to have a civilized lunch at Dishes during the rally for the west side stadium. his hair actually looks worse in person, if that is possible.

the useless cute one from queer eye [Ed: we're guessing Jai Rodriguez?] on bleecker, talking about how he was presenting an award at one of those fun gay awards shows. slightly less useless was a scruffy michael showalter at the diane arbus show. he was more interested in the tiny pretty girl he was with than the photographs. they were clearly loving each others company. needless to say, he and his companion were both looking/acting very happy, and, dare i say it, adorable.

This morning, in the lobby of The Brooklyn Museum, I saw one of the Olsen twins—not surprisingly, I couldn't tell which one, though looks just like she does in Us Weekly. She was tiny and dressed in that weird grandma's-afghan/Jackie-O-sunglasses way, accompanied by an equally tiny friend and a big beefy bald guy. Olsen and friend went straight from the front door to the ladies' room. Too much Starbucks or something more sinister? Amusingly, the lobby was full of junior high students, none of whom recognized her.

I saw Ashley Olsen on Wednesday at 6:00 sitting in the window of an animal adoption place on 13th between 5th and 6th. She was sitting in the front display window with a dog in her lap talking to someone who worked there and some psuedo-hipster dude. She totally noticed me standing at the window and staring at her while I called my friend and told her I was standing in front of the most surreal window display in NYC. She was dressed like a maniac, as usual, but very pretty, and looked very serene and happy. Maybe that's because her crazy sister is transferring to the West Coast where her um...."habits" are more acceptable?

Finally had my first Olsen sighting! Ashley Olsen and date/boyfriend catching the South Carolina-Maryland game at the NIT semifinals (second rate post-season college b-ball tournament.) She wasn't there for the first game match-up of St. Joe's vs. Memphis. She had decent seats, but was not courtside- center court about 15-20 rows back- Ash was slumming! Jeans and many layers on top- scarves, jackets whatnot... even though it finally broke 50 degrees yesterday. Scruffy bodyguard w/ black leather jacket sat behind her and led her to the bathroom 4 minutes into the second half. She let a few fans take photo's with her on their camera phones. I briefly considered going up to her w/ my Star magazine and asking her to sign it, but decided against it, as I bet she wouldn't have been amused. She is small of stature, but after reading how tiny she and MK were I was expecting it. She looks healthy though, and has a great colorist. She left w/ her man with about 3 minutes left in the miserable game.

Friday night my girlfriend and I were eating dinner at a restaurant in Southampton when Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes came in with his very blond wife and PS2-toting young son. Half the meal was spent with Steve going back to the bar to watch a basketball game while his wife read the paper, the other half was them discussing the pros and cons of moving to a townhouse from a doorman building. Apparently the wife was more "con". No one to pick up laundry, can't lose your keys which, from the sound of it, is something Steve does with great frequency.

Saw Linda Fiorentino hailing a cab on Broadway at 62nd street this morning (3/29) at 10:00. With shoepolish-black hair a long black overcoat and a pissed off expression she my rich aunt Joan who lives on the UES, smokes a lot, wears black, and has never married.

On my way back to Los Angeles after my first trip to the _real_ big city I saw Paul Bettany at JFK. My boyfriend had no idea who he was and everyone I have since mentioned Mr. Bettany to has no recollection of this actor.

Saw SNL's Rachel Dratch Mar 18 at Rosa Mexicano on the UWS. She and her three gal pals were at a table near us. She seemed, well, normal. Looks less angular in person. Didn't seem to have a 'tude, just came for some margaritas and mexican food.

On Saturday afternoon I had two notable spottings... first, I was sitting on a stoop outside the 9th Street Market around 12:30 when I looked up and into the face of Parker Posey as she roller skated by us, with a big hat to squash down that perm thing she's got going on right now... and then later in the afternoon I was uptown and poking around at Barneys, and I caught sight of Katie Holmes shopping in the men's department with some beefy, football-loving type of guy.

walking through union square on sunday 3/28 and saw dave chappelle looking thugged out and truly skinny in a down vest and hooded sweatshirt. having what seemed to be a serious conversation with a male friend. only reason i knew it was him was the voice.

Yesterday my wife and I passed a bleary-eyed Jimmy Fallon on 18th Street, crossing 2nd Ave, heading east. We smiled politely, he reciprocated. Maybe he's got friends or family living in PCV/ST?

Last week I entered a tiny shoe repair shop between 3rd Ave and Irving, south of 20th Street, and inside was Julia Stiles. She was sitting quietly on a small chair, hands folded on her lap. On the counter was a pile of fashionable-looking heels.

i saw amy sedaris today on university & 12th carrying what looked like a tray of baked goods (maybe the cupcakes she sells at joe??) she was a bit frumped out in sweatpants (real sweatpants- the kind with elastic at the bottom) and a black suburban mom coat that was way too big on her, but she was nonetheless very cute and very teeny tiny.

I was just walking through Washington Square Park and happened upon a small group of NYU undegrads crowded around Mike Myers... The funny thing is that Myers looked like he was on his way to teach a class or something... he had a grad student quality about him. He's much younger looking in person than I had expected.

Easter Sunday, saw Adrien Grenier walking west on St. Marks between Ave A - 1st. His orange and green Von Dutch trucker hat made me wanna ask him which member of his Entourage told him those were still in fashion. If it was an attempt to be incognito, a neon orange and green hat was not the way to go. So hot in person, great sighting except having to explain to HBO-less friends, "he was that guy in the Melissa Joan Hart movie, with the Britney Spears soundtrack."

Saw John Waters peering over his shades at Penn Station on Sunday, 3/27 at noon waiting for the Metroliner to Baltimore.

saw rachel weisz on sunday afternoon coming out of Gourmet Garage on Mercer Street. She was very casual in jeans and a hat, hair pulled back. Not very tall, but was with a man (boyfriend/husband?) who was pretty tall.

Monday morning (3/21) sat next to Mo Rocca of The Daily Show fame on a Newark to Cancun flight. He is very polite and has a nerdy laugh. He is suprisingly cute in real life and has quite a few grey hairs. He sat in coach and waited in the 2 hour customs line with the rest of the plebeians. He was traveling alone and when he got to the airport kept walking past us like a lost child. He seemed confused.

I had a seriously great sighting Saturday night while having dinner at Panna II on 6th St. Ana Matronic (of Scissor Sisters), Sandra Bernhard, and Justin Bond (of Kiki and Herb). They were all dressed very casual but well and seemed very into their conversation. Sandra's a lot taller than I've been lead to believe and Ana was just disturbingly beautiful. Justin Bond was the one that really blew me away...he's very un-drag queenish and much more girly-girly (kinda like the gay boys I knew in high school).