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Ever wonder how i-bankers chillax? They've got high pressure jobs, bro, and need to cut loose more than anyone. No diggity.

So they go to rock shows where they check out hot, prefab new wave bands.

Here's a heartwarming scene from Maureen Callahan's hard-hitting investigation of The Bravery, a band you've definitely never heard but who've gotten more press than Paul Wolfowitz's nomination at the World Bank:

Even the members of the crowd - all of whom paid for tickets - weren't quite sure what to make of the Bravery.

"I could hear the instruments more than I could hear the words," said a 23-year-old investment banker. (In Endicott's defense, he announced he was sick.)

Despite that, the banker said, the band is clearly, definitely marketable.

"I sell bad companies, so I have to make bad companies sound good," he said. "This is how I'd sell the Bravery: through viral marketing, grass-roots promotion, and bringing lots of kids to Rothko and feeding them free beer."

Freeee maaaaaarket! Does anybody remember Pfizer?!?


[Robert Longo art via Der galante Diskurs]