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Is old-school gossip finally being relegated to the nursing home? First Jazzy dies, then Le Cirque shuts its doors (for who knows how long), and now Liz Smith's fate is in question:

To: Newsday Employees
From: John Mancini, Editor

Today's Liz Smith column is her last for Newsday.

Liz, who first joined Newsday in March 1991, did not exercise her option to extend her contract, which has expired. We subsequently attempted to negotiate a new arrangement with her but could not come to mutually agreeable terms.

Moving forward, we will expand our Flash! page as we take a new look at how we cover celebrities and gossip news to best serve our readers.

Newsday has enjoyed a long and productive relationship with Liz and we wish her the very best.

Well, we never really existed to Liz and now, she'll no longer exist to us.

Then again, Smith claims that Newsday is so very in the wrong, that only the finest, snarling lawyers will make things right. Can this be peacefully resolved? We're not sure if the ol' girl can handle a cage match.

Liz Smith Accuses 'Newsday' of Breaking Her Contract [E&P]