While reading Virginia Heffernan's negative assessment of Bravo's Showdog Moms & Dads in today's New York Times, we found ourselves wondering how any show that elicits the following from a family paper can be so bad:

"...revolting scenes of artificial insemination, testicle analysis, and (what might be the worst) the administration of the vaunted B.A.R.F. diet: Bones and Raw Food."

"...they are the ones who have to contend with Liberace's undescended testicles, and apply a massage technique designed to coax them down."

"She has a son, Adam, whom she grooms as if he were a fifth pet."

"We see slides of dog semen and close-ups of a vaginal exam."

"... jokes about the stretch marks Brandon has from giving birth to his dog and the many, many conversations about feces..."

If you want our opinion, we think we smell a hit. Heck, it can't be any worse than Project Greenlight.

Unconditional Love, No Matter the Species [NYT]
Showdog Moms & Dads [Bravo]