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Pssst. Hey, can you keep a secret? Shhhhhh... You gotta keep this under your hat, okay? You didn't hear it from us, but the new issue of Rolling Stone reports on a totally cool, totally exclusive club: The children of rock stars. This is like a thousand times more exclusive than Soho House and fifty-bazillion-trillion times more secretive than Skull & Bones.

Luckily, Mark Binelli pierced the veil of secrecy:

There's a mysterious gravitational pull that seems to bond the children of legendary musicians. Encounter enough of them and it starts to feel like a secret society. They've all grown up with parents who have simultaneously rejected society's rules and reaped its rewards, and they all recognize certain traits in each other.
The connection is often intense. "It's not like some automatic pass into this club," stresses Chris Stills. "It's just that we might be hip to — how would I put it? It's kind of like we grew up behind the stage, so we're privy to the smoke and mirrors and the strings holding up the puppets. Most people just have their eye on the puppets. So that knowledge bonds us."

Another club we'll never get into. Oh, well. There's always the elite children of school teachers club: none of these fuckers can get into that one!

Children of Rock [RS]