Sightings are sent in by readers and fact-checked by, well, no one. Send yours to

In this edition: Lizzie Grubman, Jonathan Cheban, Leonard Cohen, P. Diddy, Drew Barrymore, 50 Cent, Edward Norton, Al Pacino, Richard Dreyfus, Eric Stoltz, Ed Koch, Julianne Moore, Kate Hudson with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, Josh Homme, Mary-Kate, David Cross, Real World Mallory, Jake Shears, Jay McCarroll, and the Top Model triumvirate of Eva, Janice Dickinson and Jay Manuel.

I went to brunch at Shopsin's on Sunday in the early afternoon and this blond woman with tanned hair turns around and stares at me. I realized it was Lizzie Grubman and she was having brunch with Clarendon-clad Jonathan Cheban and another guy. I sat near them and was able to overhear bits and pieces of their conversation. First they called the waiter over and asked him for iced coffee and when the typically and charmingly irascible Shopsin's waitstaff said they didn't have any iced coffee, Lizzie threw her 2 cents in - "Can't you just pour some hot coffee and put some ice in it? How about we try to be creative?" Whoa. Later, Lizzie started talking about driving and I SWEAR this is true: "I love driving! I love it." Then she said that she told that to a friend and the friend was shocked, "YOU DRIVE?" Ha Ha. Then her male friend made this comment, "Yeah you should just drive everywhere with your white reverse lights on!" Lizzie and company laughed and laughed. I swear. It was sick! She is a superfreak.

Waltzed into Burger Heaven on 54th/Mad for my red meat fix, and who's sitting there but Leonard Cohen. LEONARD COHEN! He was with a woman, and they were both waiting for their food. I plotzed. He's my man.

You probably got this one ten times already but P Diddy came to the latest Patrick McMullen Gay Fest last night at Glo. Honestly, one of the most random things I have ever seen. It might as well have been the Queen of England.

saw drew barrymore in the early afternoon of 3/21. as we passed the corner of 1st ave/st marks, I noticed yet another EV girl wearing jeans tucked into mid calf height, light tan suede boots with straps. I thought "when is that look going to be over?!" then I looked at her face and realized she was drew barrymore. she has beautiful skin and wore a black jacket with a magenta scarf. at least it wasn't the ubiquitous tiny fur jacket or army jacket with fur trim. didn't notice the person she was with as our car drove by too quickly.

Just saw 50 Cent not two minutes ago in the lobby of my office building on Union Square North. I was waiting for the elevator and lo and behold, the doors opened and 50 and about ten other huge scary looking guys came out. He looked exactly as I would have expected, physically, but wasn't all that intimidating. Not really sure why he would be in my building, although it houses a lot of different offices. He could have been visiting a doctor or lawyer... or perhaps Elizabeth Arden corporate on the 7th floor!? Alas, I may never know.

i just saw edward norton chatting on his cell phone at the corner broadway and houston. i was rounding the corner, heading to the north east entrance of the broadway lafayette station, when i noticed a man in a brown leather bomber jacket hiding in the three foot space between the new building on broadway and the subway sign (where the homeless people sleep). at a closer look, i realized it was ed norton looking frumpier than expected. think rob lowe in st. elmos fire when he keeps going back to georgetown to play touch football with his fraternity brothers.

Last night I had the pleasure of dining at Joe Allens, sitting next to a large round table with such luminaries as Al Pacino, Richard Dreyfus, the drug dealer from Pulp Fiction [Eric Stoltz], and a few other faces I seemed to recognize. The wine was flowing and they all seemed to be having a grand time, even stopping to sign my sisters theater program and pose for a few photos. Very nice table of people.

A very old Ed Koch at Fairway on Wednesday evening, 3/23, pushing his cart around the crowded store looking for ???. He eventually seemed to settle for some diet Dr. Pepper. He had a cut over his eye and looked a bit worse for wear.

On Sunday I saw Julianne Moore and a scruffy, cute guy (husband or bf, I don't know her situation at all) eating a Dojo on 4th st. She looked small and pretty. But, Dojo? Really? Kind of weird, a movie star eating like a broke NYU student. Whatever, she made a good sighting for my out of town friend.

Kate Hudson has been the dedicated wife for the first two of seven Black Crowes shows at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Both nights she has been all smiles from the balconey. Everytime Chris Robinson looked over in her direction the crowd would turn and watch to see her reaction. Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, who was dancing like a maniac all night, were also up in the balconey on Wednesday, the opening night.

saw josh homme (lead singer of queens of the stone age) at virgin megastore union square on tuesday the 22nd around 8pm. he was waiting in line to buy his own cd (new album was released this week). he's quite tall and much better looking than i expected. everybody was too obsessed staring at their bloc party cds (also released this week) to notice him.

Saw Mary-Kate Olsen on the 8:30 Delta Shuttle yesterday (Tue), from Boston to La Guardia. She was diminutive and wearing her trademark tights, brown cowboy boots and shawls (NY Times take note), and was accompanied by a shortish, unshaved fellow in a blue sweatshirt and brown moccasins. And yes, they both carried the venti mocchachinos (what's up with that?) They took the very front seat (Delta Shuttle has no first class), and put their feet up on the partition; after a while Mr. Moccasin took of his shoes, so we enjoyed a charming view of his nude feet high up on that partition above everyone's head-level. They had the comp. wine and left their goldfish wrappers and cup holders on the floor. And that, children, is all.

Apparently I am the last NYU student in Greenwich Village to have a satisfying Mary-Kate Olsen sighting — until today. I was leaving my classroom at 94 Mercer Street and she was walking into the one next to mine. She was wearing cut and ripped black tights, black chucks, and an orange top. Also had on huge sunglasses and her hair was a nasty rat's nest. She was talking to a homely looking jewy girl (happy purim!) about shoes. Oh, and she was carrying what might as well have been a trough of Starbucks coffee. Still, she was strangely endearing, like a half squished praying mantis or something.

I was on an extended return to my old, now fancified East Village neighborhood, and after confronting one too many yuppies on Avenue B, I ducked into my old chiropractor's office, where I was positioned on a bed/rack just a few feet away from David Cross. None of this was too thrilling, since Cross used to live across the street from me. But now that I live out of town, I've discovered that he actually has fans who eat up the whole "I got adjusted next to David Cross" anecdote thing....

Are we considering Real Worlders celebrities? If so, saw Mallory from Real World Paris boozing it up on Saint Patrick's Day at the Black Sheep in midtown. She looked exactly like she did that season, hair in a messy bun worse than mine from my catholic school days and no make up. She was with a nordic looking male 'model' type and some random old ladies. No one paid any attention to them probably too busy smirking about that little Sports Illustrated padded bikini top thing

I passed Jake Shears of Scissor Sisters, whom I've met before, not forgettting the piercing blue eyes and boyish good looks...neither of which made up for the Claire Huxtable-inspired getup that involved bizarre patterns and a backpack fit, literally and visually, for a kindergartener, circa 1988. Hats off, though, as the Sisters remain one of the best albums I've heard in years. Plus, I've seen his Bigmuscle ad, so where do I get off talkin' smack about the guy?

Saw Jay McCarroll eating w/ blond male friend and unidentified woman at Lemongrass Grill in Park Slope on 3/21, around 8pm. And yes, he was wearing a ski hat. Indoors.

On Saturday around 3:00 I was walking east on Prince Street and at the corner of Mercer Street, what caught my eye but the neon orange face of one Mr. Jay Manuel. He was walking with a bobo-ed out Eva Pigford, clad in a huge peasant skirt, wife beater and all sorts of gaudy jewelry. This sighting kept me warm at night until today when I spotted the other J. walking east on 57th, possibly just leaving the Hearst builing. Combining these with the appearance of The Janice [Dickinson] in my office builing, it's been a very Top Model week.