· Queens of the Stone Age hold court at Webster Hall in support of the recently released Lullabies To Paralyze. Word to the wise: don't scream, More cowbell! during Little Sister. [BB]
· Last time The Bravery came to town, a determined hater plastered the streets of Brooklyn with posters likening the band to Milk: prepackaged, homogenized, and watered-down. We don't know about that, but we do know milk has quite a following. See for yourself when the New York natives hit Rothko tonight for the first of three homecoming shows. [Rothko]
· All comedians have a dark side. Paula Poundstone s alcoholism. Bob Saget's career. Chris Rock s ass. (Oh yes we did.) And then there s McSweeney s poltical satirst Kevin Guilfoile, who won t be bringing the yucks tonight when he reads from his murder mystery novel, Cast of Shadows, at the Chelsea Barnes & Noble. [flavorpill]