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Our sun-kissed brother sat down for an IMtimate IMterview with the IMimitable David Cross the day after FOX's Gail Berman stepped-down. Predictably, they focus a lot on poopy, but they manage to mine some comic gold from the headlines. Well, the headlines from a few months ago before America became obsessed with pumped-up baseball players and the president's fixation on a persistent vegetative state (hey, at least one Bush likes vegetables):

Defamer: quick, say something mean about Life on a Stick!
David Cross: Life on a Stick looks fucking hilarious!! I be I would laugh anywhere from one to two times during its entire run! They ve really captured what its like to be a 2 dimensional character that has zero basis in reality although it purports to be!
Defamer: well, that was certainly mean
David Cross: See how sloppy I start getting with my typing when I get mean.
Defamer: did you hear that Fox is giving out free corn dogs to celebrate?
David Cross: To the refugees in Darfur? That s nice of them.

Peter Liguori, please sign these two up for a sitcom: Call it Cross and the Blogman or Just Our Type.

David Cross: The Defamer IMterview [Defamer]