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Cultural critic Mark Dery dares to look into the abyss of right wing muppet Ann Coulter's Reading For Right-Wingers book list and discovers a portal into the idiot wind tunnel that is Coulter's brain:

Coulter has learned to make the media's repetition compulsion work for her. She knows that no lie is too big to be transmuted, through the alchemy of Fox News quoting conservative pundits quoting right-wing radio cranks quoting right-wing bloggers quoting her, into Goebbels-ian truth. In such a climate, stuffing your head full of book-learning only muddles the mind with inconvenient facts, grit in the wind-up mind of a right-wing fembot. Just hit your mark, stay on message, and charm the toothless "dragons of the press," as Gergen called them, right out of their pants. And be sure to show plenty of leg. Besides, reading makes your lips numb.

That's just about right. We'd also add, "Remain belligerent despite being called out as completely wrong on Canadian TV."

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[Coulter photo via Townhall]