To Do: Crue, Nine, Money

· Is it possible to sully a legacy that includes the video for "Home Sweet Home"? Find out tonight as the reconstituted Mötley Crüe exercise their umlauts at the Forum. If wistful Aqua Net memories aren't for you, Canadian sensation Stars play the Troubadour with Louis the XIV.
· Outfest's 25th Anniversary Screening presents the Dolly Parton classic 9 to 5 at the Egyptian. Afterwards, whoop it up like the crazy gals in the movie's all-star cast at the post-screening open bar reception.
· Suze Orman scolds us for our horrible spending habits as she discusses her new book, The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke, at the Pasadena Public Library. When our parents lecture us about money, we just hang up.