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In an Brian Williams NBC News piece examining the intersection of religion and Hollywood, That 70s Show writer Dean Batali outs himself as Christian, setting himself up for a joint hit by the heathen forces of the Gay Mafia and the Jews That Run This Town:

Hollywood, with all its star power and influence, is a decidedly secular place. After all, it was hardly religious fellowship that lured Dean Batali, co-executive producer and writer for the popular sitcom "That '70s Show," to these boulevards. "Hollywood just doesn't get it yet," says Batali. "I still am considered somewhat of an oddity as a Christian."

We certainly hope that the poor, misguided Gentile scribe had already left town before the news special aired last night. Otherwise, he may find himself spending the rest of his days in a poorly-ventilated plexiglass cage in Steven Spielberg's basement, where he'll join all the other "oddities" who were bold enough to admit their faith in the national media. We hear that David Geffen's daily visits to tap on the cages and push breadcrumbs through the air-holes are really fun, though.