· Salon's Eric Boehlert says the Terri Schiavo case points out "how paralyzed the mainstream press has become in pointing out the obvious: that the GOP leadership often operates well outside the mainstream of America." Mr. Boehlert was disappeared shortly after filing his story. (We typed this from an undisclosed location.) [Salon]
· The New York Daily News is very, very sorry. Sure they said you won 100k, and they were wrong. But, hey, they still bring you the best gossip and Stanley Crouch! And if you don't quit complaining, they're gonna send Crouch to your house to kick the shit out of you. [NYDN]
· In order to illustrate a story on David Letterman's private world, New York Newsday runs photos of the press-shy host jogging with his girlfriend. Classy. [Newsday]
· Brother-man reports: Gail Berman, FOX's capo-di-crappy programming, quits for Paramount. Well, we've all made lateral moves at least once in our careers. [Defamer]