Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Ann Coulter and Catherine Crier, Kirsten Dunst, Ozzy and Sharon Ozbourne, Michael Eisner, Matt Dillon, Rachel Weisz, Fabian Basabe, Julianne Moore, Jeffrey Wright, Audrey Tautou, Mary-Kate Olsen, Gideon Yago, Jimmy Little, Daniel Libeskind, Gavin Rossdale, Jai Rodriguez, Chloe Sevigny, Hilary Swank and Chad Lowe, Kathleen Turner, Marilyn Manson, Omarosa, Paul Giamatti, Josh Hartnett, Katie Holmes, Colin Quinn, Bob Saget (WTF?), Ben Stiller, Jay McCarroll, Josh Hamilton, Adam Duritz, Ice-T, David Eigenberg, Graham Norton, Kim Porter, John Leguizamo, and a Gastineau Girl.

Sat next to Ann Coulter and Catherine Crier (they were dining with unidentified gentleman) during brunch at La Goulue on Sunday, March 20th . Catherine Crier s face looked like a burn victim! She was pulled tight and had obviously had LOTS of work done. But, I can only comment on Ann s blonde locks as she sat with her back towards me. While eavesdropping on Ann and Catherine s conversation, heard a little snippet about their dislike of Tina Fey and Saturday Night Live. They believe that Tina is un-American and she shouldn t be on television which my friend and I found VERY ironic!

Witnessed an axis of evil power lunch on palm Sunday at la goulue anne coulter and catherine crier ripping tina fey APART at the next table for the previous nights snl weekend update crier actually pounding the table and saying shes vile and evil and cant stand her. Crier looks a lot like joan rivers surgically. fey and pohler rule.

I just saw Kirsten Dunst, looking surprisingly tall and pretty, walking up Fifth Avenue near 57th Street. She was pulling the age-old celebrity trick of sporting aviator sunglasses as a disguise. No one noticed her, so it apparently worked in this case. Of course, passersby were likely distracted by the very cute black pug she was walking. I guess now we know who finally gained custody of poor Lovey/Atticus.

On my flight last night from LAX to JFK were Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne. When I walked by their first-class seats to get to my own seat in steerage, Ozzy was blathering on in his usual way; Sharon was silent. He's not more than 5'10" and Sharon is teeny, but with the requisite Hollywood huge head

Saw Michael Eisner at the St Patrick's Day performance of Altar Boyz (how un-Disney is that?). He looks a bit like a hairless Burl Ives. And man, is he tall!

On Saturday afternoon, I was walking towards Broadway on the Upper West Side and who walks past me? None other than Matt Dillon. Talk about well-preserved. What a knockout! Then on Sunday I saw Rachel Weisz walking out of Josephina Restaurant on the Upper West Side.

St. Patrick's Day, Saw Rachel Weisz walking on Bleecker by the Marc Jacobs store. Wearing way too much makeup for broad daylight.

Last night, a bunch of friends and I went over to Butter for a few celebratory drinks (I got a new job) and I quickly realized that I was standing next to Fabian Basabe and his wife.

On the UWS on 3/21 at 4:30...Matt Dillon & unidentified not famous woman eating at Columbus Bakery. His head is HUGE, couldn't see the rest of him because he was sitting. He really should stay away from late afternoon sweets, especially so close to the
early bird special.

Saturday 3/19 (3 something PM), saw Julianne Moore at Hudson and 11th. No jacket, just a peach knit top — looking very regal and happy. Great posture!

Sat. afternoon 19 March-4:30pm — I stood a few feet away from totally underrated stage and screen actor Jeffrey Wright (of Angels in America, Topdog Underdog fame among thers) at the coat check at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Wright was presumably there checking out the new Basquiat exhibit. And it was a case of life imitating art since Wright portrayed Jean-Michel Basquiat on the silver screen in the 1996 Julian Schnabel-directed biopic. Mr. Wright, wearing a multi-colored hat, seemed very down to earth and cordial.

There was an adorable little moppet hiding her face under her hair on Houston Friday night. Ever the single man, I did the "engage bowed head and tip upward" move that nvariably works on the subway. This time it worked on the minute, porcelain features of Audrey Tautou. She's five foot nothing, probably a hundred pounds soaking wet, and has a butt like a flagpole, but I still had to restrain myself from chasing her down the street with poorly pronounced French protestations of my undying love.

I just saw the Olsen twin right on Bleecker and Mercer. She must live around here because it's the second time i see her. I think it was Mary Kate. I bet you all want to know what she was wearing. And I'll tell ya: a huge white scarf, black leggings, brown cowboy boots and a green jacket with a hood. [Ed: Yep, sounds like an MK ensemble.] Her face had that glow that the rich girls usually have. Cute girl.

Spotted Gideon Yago on Broadway near Chambers Street Saturday afternoon around 2:30pm. Was walking with two typical hipsters, one of which was wearing an obnoxious rainbow-striped scarf. Perhaps he was heading over to J&R to replace his beloved (and
stolen) laptop?

Cute-as-a-button carpernter Jimmy Little from TLC's TOWN HAUL shopping at Century 21 with a woman who had to be his mother. They were looking at Playboy socks. He obviously has issues with being a redhead (I can totally identify), because his hair is now
overly-highlighted blond. Still adorable.

Bizarrely bespectacled architect/designer Daniel Libeskind (of WTC fame) at the Rubin Museum of Art in Chelsea on Sat., 3/19. He bought a book on Himalayan art before joining two middle-aged (but chic) women at the cafe. Not as cool as seeing Lindsay Lohan in the West Village but oh well.

Gavin Rossdale on Saturday looking taller, thinner, and more like a rugby fan on Houston street than I want my rock stars to look. No one recognized him. Poor Gavin.

Last night (3/17) I spotted Gavin Rossdale by himself (aka no Gwen Stefani in sight) at the Slint reunion show at Irving Plaza. Man, he is very handsome in real life. Great skin, smile and teeth. And he seems to have good music taste despite his former band's music being just so-so. I don't think the huge black body guard he had with him was needed though. The pretentious indie rock crowd hardly paid any attention to him.

Saw Queer Eye's Jai Rodriguez Saturday night around 14th and 7th Ave, looking perfectly primped. He was with two other men, one of which he nuzzled lovingly as they held hands and crossed the street.

Saw Chloe Sevigny waiting in line for the Thursday Slint show at Irving Plaza. I was openly gaping at her atrocious 80s trailerpark chic outfit. She noticed and gave me a look that said "I sucked off Vincent Gallo and you didn't."

At the Pier Antiques Show on Saturday, saw Hilary Swank and Chad Lowe. It might boost his ego to learn that I actually recognized him first, but that is really only because she was sitting with her back to me. She is teeny and was wearing a fairly ugly tunic/jeans-tucked-into-boots combo, but certainly does have a beautiful face. He was slumped in a chair looking bored while she negotiated their purchase of a mid-century coffee table. And guess who carried it out of there? She did. Further evidence for the not-so-burning question of who wears the pants in that family...

This Saturday (3/19) while perusing fine antiques and musty smelling clothes, I spotted Hilary Swank and Chad Lowe at the Pier Antiques Show. Chad is extremely short and Hilary was emphasizing this by using his head as a walking arm rest. My brother and I attempted to act naturally by stopping in our tracks with frozen smiles on our faces. I think it worked.

On Thursday, saw Kathleen Turner in the lighting section of Gracious Home on the UWS. She was going for incognito in a baseball cap and a long black coat, but if she really wants to go unrecognized, she is going to have to learn sign language. That voice is unmistakable.

Was at an art opening in west Chelsea on Saturday and saw some random celebs. Ethan Hawke (looking oh, so handsome), Marilyn Manson, one of the Olsen twins, and Omarosa in these really dark shades looking seriously puzzled by the art work.

Saw Paul {"oh-so-overlooked-for-Oscar") Giamatti of "Sideways" fame" in Brooklyn Heights, pushing a small child-type person in a stroller in front of the hardware store. Gave him the typical New York "I know who you are and appreciate you, but am much too cool to run up and bother you" nod and received a nice one back.

I saw Josh Hartnett having a late brunch at a not really too trendy restaurant in Tribeca (yes, there are still a FEW of those there). He was all scruffed out in a skull cap and lots of facial hair, and was sitting at the bar with a skinny plainish blonde girl. It was a little hard to get service what with all the aspiring model-slash-actor waiters in the place converging behind the bar to fawn over him while trying their best to act faux-casual. (I actually overheard one of them say something containing the phrase, "It's not like they would do that if you were just a REGULAR PERSON!") Ironically, despite this comment, J.H. both looked and behaved more like a regular person than most celebs I've been around in person he was both considerably less cute and much more gracious and normal I'd expect of a "teen idol."

i was just walking down the street (east village) and saw two very beautiful people making i got closer they cooled down but guess what!!!! It was josh hartnett and katie holmes (i love her!!! she is so beautiful). much better choice than the shallow model he used to date.

I saw former "Tough Crowd" host Colin Quinn at dinner at the Manhattan Ocean Club on Sunday night. He was with an asian woman and they looked to be pretty intimate with each other as they were feasting on lobster!

I saw Bob Saget at the Scratcher bar on 5th street at 1:00 am on Friday night. He was with two girls in their late 20s.

Had a Danny Tanner sighting yesterday, walking down 7th Ave between 22nd and 21st . Kinda cute, talking on his cellphone, but my friend and I were surprised- unlike the other Saget-spotter, we thought he didn t look as tall and gangly as we imagined he would (not that we re often imagining him).

I saw Ben Stiller eating dinner at Butter on March 18^th with a cute blonde woman (not Christine Taylor). They left the restaurant at about the same time I did, so I could see how tiny he is! 5 5 at the tallest.

Jay McCarroll of Project Runway fame fuming on his celly outside of Bungalow Thursday night. Could it have been a tiff with the bouncer Disco (they're about the same size, that would make a great t te- -t te.) Maybe it was a Banana Republic design emergency. Either way I was too drunk to care.

Ethan Hawke and Josh Hamilton early this morning - 1 a.m., 2/18 at Corner Bistro in the W. Village. Each with average looking girl in tow. Ethan looking scruffy as hell with requisite trucker hat, jean jacket, and corduroy. Josh sporting moustache. Presumably post-Hurlyburly performance. (Would have preferred Parker Posey.) Ethan hung up his hat and coat on coat hooks. I debated taking the hat to memorialize the occasion but was talked out of it.

so i was out last night with this girl and her friends, they run into adam duritz, he comes along with us, wearing peach-striped brooks brothers shirt and tie and lime-green jacket. we leave. one of the girls in the group gives duritz her digits—he was hitting on everything in sight and nobody would have anything to do with him, the loser—so we get to the next bar. twenty minutes later. literally. twenty minutes later, this girl has ten—TEN—missed calls and messages from duritz. [Ed: Or Pat O'Brien.]

While stumbling drunkenly towards more St. Patty's day fun down Bleecker, we walked right past Adam Duritz getting into a very crowded cab. My friends called, "Adam!" and he was more than gracious and friendly. He seemed much heavier than I expected, with shorter hair that was tied back.

Was at Cain on Wed night. Looking to get a guy, I was very annoyed to discover a group of girls with dance moves and big breasts had taken over one of the banquettes. Later in the night, suddenly, the banquette became totally blocked from view as people crowded around it "gawking." Pushing my way through, I saw this older guy with a beautiful, long-haired blond showing MEGA-WATT cleavage, a cute girl in a peachy dress and mega jewels, and another blonde a little out of place... pretty but in a black top that covered everything. When I finally asked who was what, I was told it was Ice-T, his grilfriend, a woman who started this tv show, and one of the Forbes girls. WEIRD grouping! Needless to say, I did not get my man.

Saw david eigenberg, aka steve from sex in the city at 'the gym' on 26th street. He was taking my gym recess class, stood in front and suffered along with the rest of us. Was very nice and smiley to everyone, wearing a regular old t-shirt and sweatpants.

Was going for lunch St. Patrick's Day when I noticed a blond guy speedily running across 3rd Ave and 38 St to avoid getting hit. I took a better look and noticed it was Graham Norton. He was still in a hurry when I so discreetly yelled OHMIGOD! I SO LOVE YOUR SHOW! He stopped and turned around to see who was discreetly yelling at the top of their lungs at him. He ever so politely answered thank you so much. I lowered my voice an octave and asked him when his show The Graham Norton Effect was returning to Comedy Central. He thought a minute and said in June. Then he politely smiled and said he was late for something and sped away. Nothing catty to say about him cause I LOVE HIS SHOW SO MUCH! However he was all in off-white khaki without a smidgen of St. Patty green.

Last Saturday (3/12) after enduring a horrible flight from JFK to ATL (the homemade bloody mary was my saving grace), through my hangover induced gaze I saw P. Diddy's babymama/fianc /resident modelchick, Kim Porter having brunch with a few over accessorized BAPS/gal pals at a diner in the ATL. She looked great for before noon (hair was beautiful in ponytail, little if no makeup), but she fucked it all up with a bright neon Von Dutch Trucker Cap and those "Paris Hilton made me wear them" extra furry ass mukluks...not to mention it was like 65-70 degrees that day....what a blower, she needs to be beaten with a copy of InStyle for that one.

saw john leguizamo at the open market at union square south this morning (3/18) around 8:45a.m., wearing HUGE black sunglasses, he was carrying a super-small scooter, which i believe belonged to his son(?), an absolutely adorable boy of 3 or 4 following behind him. it took all my will power not to run up and start gushing about how fantastic i
think he is ... is he single/divorced? i'd love to get my 'freak' on.

Not that this counts, but I saw the mother half of the Gastineau Girls (sp?) outside of Dodger Stages before seeing Altar Boyz (v. funny by the way). The only reason I find this worth mentioning is that she is unbelievably scary looking. She's like my old beat up Malibu Barbie. Still smooth and plastic, yet a little frightening to look at. They were obviously filming something for her show. And she said something like "I am going to a broadway show. tee-hee" to the cameras. Then the cameras turned off and they all left. She didn't actually go in and see any of three shows that were playing there. Needless to say she was gross.