· Liberals do Bush supporters one better; learn to read. [NYT]
· Mediabistro talks with new Paris Review editor (and new honorary New York City Fireworks Commissioner) Philip Gourevitch. [Mediabistro]
· Women and Woody, two views: Our old elementary school buddy Allen Konigsberg is interviewed by Suicide Girls and deconstructed by n + 1 all in the same week! Who'd a thunk he'd do so well. (We thought he'd be into leather.) [Suicide Girls, via Fimoculous; n + 1]
· New National Enquirer editor Paul Field gets to the heart of what's different about America and his native land: "In the U.K., everybody reads the newspaper every day. Most people read two or three." No wonder they have no time to brush their teeth in the morning. (Hack-choo!) [NYM]