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· Save Mary-Kate Olsen...from Adam Duritz. Our beloved waif was forced to endure a conversation with the Counting Crows singer at B8. Poor girl just can't catch a break. [ELK (2nd item)]
· After an episode of PoweR Girls in which Lizzie Grubman fucks shit up by planting an unfavorable gossip item about The Lohan, Lindsay is reportedly "hurt." That is, assuming she can still feel pain. [R&M (2nd item)]
· Desperate to clean up her image for her trial, rapper Lil' Kim hits up Marc Jacobs, Tufi Duek, and Moschino for some free legal-wear. She's denied, however, by the respectable Bill Blass, who apparently only cleans up the likes of Paris Hilton. [Gatecrasher]
· Halle Berry is the latest star to flee the William Morris Agency after president Dave Wirtschafter's tirade in last week's New Yorker. [Page Six]