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Now that high definition TV sets will soon be in everyone's living rooms, Hollywood beauty squads are going to have to redouble their efforts to hide celebrites' flaws, or else the public will be treated to every pockmark, pimple, and stray unibrow hair. OnHD.TV lists the actors who are going to suffer the most once the changeover occurs:

1. Cameron Diaz
The actress has had a terrible acne problem since high school; her cheeks and forehead are littered with unfortunate pockmarks. Ms. Diaz seems like a different person in HDTV; she looks more like a Charlie than an Angel.

2. Michael Douglas
The actor was once considered a Hollywood sex symbol. But now, in HDTV, he looks more like Kirk Douglas than Michael Douglas. Being married to Catherine Zeta-Jones doesn't help, either. He appears even older when he's standing next to her. The Wall Street star looks like eight miles of bad road.

Luckily for everyone, the audio capabilities of the format haven't quite equalled the video. The technology that would allow us to hear the sounds of Douglas's bones fracturing every time he dramatically rises from a chair is at least a few more years away.