· Never fuck with Big Popa: FishBowlNY reports on layoffs at The New York Press. Of course, the real punishments begin in the great beyond. [FishBowlNY]
· Brendan I. Koerner looks at our very favoritist magazine, J-14. [Slate]
· Katha Pollitt, a lovely gal, weighs in on the whole "can chicks write op-eds" debate and she has the cutest things to say: "That opinion writing is a kind of testosterone-powered food fight is a popular idea in the blogosphere. Male bloggers are always wondering where the women are and why women can't/don't/won't throw bananas." Actually, male bloggers are always wondering why women can't/don't/won't talk to them and if that hot Canadian chick on Lost will have another bra and panties swim scene this week. [The Nation]
· William Powers says, "I like some blogs so much, I have to restrain myself from visiting too often." Actually, William, the judge and the restraining order keeps you from visiting—at least within 500 yards. [National Journal]