Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: James Truman, Jessica and Ashlee Simpson, Bill Murray, Paris Hilton, Jay-Z, Catherine Deneuve, Benecio Del Toro, John C. Reilly, Ethan and Uma, Stephen Sondheim, Kevin Kline, Liam Neeson, Philip Seymore Hoffman, Jann Wenner, Matthew Bourne, Jeff Goldblum, Kevin Bacon, Victoria Gotti, Campbell Scott, Walter Cronkite, Julianne Moore, Julia Stiles, Liev Schreiber, Joy Bauer, Albert Hammond Stroke and Julian Stroke, Chris Noth (an exception to our generally unspoken No Noth rule), Andrew McCarthy, John Turturro, Dean Cain, David Eigenberg, Randy Jackson, Julie Christie, Alanis Morissette, Steve Forbes, Adam Durtiz, Al Roker(ish), a special Toronto sighting of Mario Bello (basically, we felt really sorry for the excited soul who sent it in), and the inexplicable Bob Saget.

Last Wednesday (3/9), I was taking the 10 am AA flight from JFK to LAX. As my boyfriend and I were scrambling to take our seats in the back of the plane, who do I see sitting not three rows ahead of us but former Conde Nast wunderkind James Truman! My how the mighty have fallen. It was quite a sight to see my former boss scrunched into the coach section, afloat in a sea of track suits and store-bought flight snacks. In all fairness, though, he seemed very gracious and appeared to enjoy our in-flight entertainment of The Incredibles. Unfortunately, my overpowering need for a cigarette when we landed prevented me from figuring out his escape from the middle class reality of baggage claim.

On 3/15 at around 4:30, saw the Newlywed herself [Jessica Simpson] shopping at the Chloe boutique on Madison Avenue. There were about 7 or 8 paparazzi running to and fro trying to get a good angle. Other shoppers were kicked out so she could shop solo. She was teeny and sans extensions.

Ashlee Simpson at Marquee in Manhattan last night, being escorted from the ladies' to the VIP room by her bodyguard. A lot of gnarly black hair extensions for one little white girl!

Saw Bill Murray at En Japanese Brasserie (Hudson&Leroy) having lunch. He didn't seem to be "Lost in Translation" judging by the tons of food he and his party of 5 ordered. Thought I heard someone call him "daddy".

I had the following sighting at aproximately 6pm this Wednesday: As I was looking through a rack of jeans at Bloomingdales Downtown, thinking "these are nice but no way am I paying 300 bucks for a pair of jeans," who waltzes past me if not Paris Hilton, clad in the exact jeans I'd been eyeing. She was taller than I expected her to be and much less tan (kinda pale and pasty actually). She was exactly as painfully cracked-out skinny looking as she is on TV. She was wearing said jeans and some kind of black leather jacket, a surprisingly minimal look for her. She was also carrying a rather huge gucci bag, not a handbag, more like a bag bag. Her hair looked messed up, like she was wearing a weave and it was falling off. She was all alone, which suprised me, I assumed she never went anywhere without a minor entourage.

saw jay z at a nets bulls game tonight. He was by himself, courtside seats... he seemed pretty cool. a couple of kids stopped by to get autographs and he signed and just enjoyed the game ... he looked pretty normal.

Had one of my best celebrity sightings of my sighting career on Sunday. Saw Catherine Deneuve walk by as I was standing in line to buy tickets for the French film festival in Lincoln Center. She walked inside the Walter Reade and got herself an espresso (of course, she is French) and stood by the window smoking a cigarette (proving that not only is she French, she is also Catherine Deneuve so Bloomberg is not going to stop her from smoking anywhere she likes). Anyway, I was standing directly in front of her on the other side of the window and she caught me staring at her so she flashed me a huge big smile and waved. The person behind me in line, extremely jealous that he had not been waved at, said to me "What, do you know Catherine Deneuve? Why did she wave at you?"

Was @ Diner in ever hip Williamsburg on Sunday. Saw a tall gorgeous woman out of the corner of my eye, but I was too busy smooching my weekend conquest to notice who it was (Hilary Swank). However, I heard the girls next to me squeal with delight and got a glimpse of her recent Oscar winning backside as she was walking to her car with her minature husband Chad Lowe.

I either saw Benicio Del Toro or his twin on the F Train on Saturday 3/12 around 5:00. He got off on the 2nd Ave stop and was very tall and good looking.

SEEN: Sunday, March 6th. John C. Reilly (and a rather dapper looking comrade) attended the Red Army Chorus concert at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center. Sitting in about the eighth row back, seemed to enjoy the Chorus's second performance ever in the United States. When asked whether he liked the show, Reilly responded unimaginatively "uh, yeah. You?" Maybe good ol' Irish Reilly has some Russian roots in there somewhere?

Saw Ethan and Uma! Together! Leaving the Greenmarket at Union Square, as the forever-enigmatic-for-tourists-streaming clock on 14th street read 13h59m28s + a bunch of flittering nanoseconds. Uma (looking svelte and natural and gorgeous, if not a little annoyed with her inattentive cohort) toting overflowing bags of homegrown produce and the like; Ethan jabbering away on his cell phone, scruffy as always, but looking slightly meatier and healthier, and at least appeared to be clean. They continued on there way up Park Avenue in silence as Ethan re-pocketed his phone and pulled his cap further over his eyes.

We saw Uma Thurman and her children at the Museum of Natural History on Saturday afternoon. The young boy looks just like Ethan Hawke [go figure]. She was what appeared to be her father and a sister [or nanny?] She is really tall and really attractive.

Saw Stephen Sondheim at the Tuesday night benefit performance of "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee," which I'm sure added a little frisson of excitement to the evening for the cast. They missed a golden opportunity to call him up for the audience participation portion of the play - I bet he knows how to spell "syzygy".

at BAM's spring gala dinner last night, i stood in the coat-check line next to a white-haired, bearded, and very distinguished-looking kevin kline. he was talking to what appeared to be a publicist, who was wibbling on about how exciting it is that blue ribbon is now open on this 'cute little street' in Brooklyn (otherwise known as that major thoroughfare, 5th ave) and wouldn't shut up about how brooklyn is now like 'a little manhattan.' kevin, bless him, seemed underwhelmed, and less inclined to smack this woman upside the head than i was. also venturing into the untamed wilds of the better borough: liam neeson, one of the few movie stars who is actually as tall or taller than he looks on screen and has a truly heroic profile, a cleaned-up philip seymour hoffman, a diminuitive jann wenner, and the handsome and gracious choreographer matthew bourne, whose 'play without words' at BAM is fantastic.

I was in Barnes & Noble in Rockefeller Center on Sunday and I kept noticing this tall, gangly fellow pacing in circles and mumbling to himself. He looked familiar and it dawned on me that it was none other than THE Jeff Goldblum. He was sporting a mustache, but aside from that it was without a doubt Goldblum. Apparently he was waiting on a female companion to select some reading material and continued to grow more anxious by the minute. The best part about it was that as soon as she re-appeared he morphed right back into classic, smarmy Goldblum (i.e. "The Big Chill" or "Igby Goes Down"). I tip my cap to a master thespian.

Kevin Bacon leaving his apartment building on the Upper West Side around 9am on March 17. He was all decked out to welcome spring in his faux biker gear leather jacket with belt swinging, sunglasses, wool cap. I couldn t believe how badass he looked, but I have to say that I was impressed that a man of such wealth and stature arose at such an early hour, even though he doesn t to schlep to work like the rest of us commoners.

Seems like even Mafia Princesses have trouble finding a date in this town. I was at Lush last night for a event and Victoria Gotti and her sister were also there looking for love and mugging for the cameras - I guess this had something to do with her
reality show.

Just rode in on the F Train, sat next to Campbell Scott from 4th to 47th. Him shamelessly promoting his new film with apparel reading "The Exorcism of Emily Rose." The man is looking old and grey, seems like Singles was just yesterday.

On my recent trip to NYC, this Canadian girl saw Walter Cronkite getting out of a car on Monday morning. He looked very dapper. Now since I m not familiar with your city, all I can tell you was it was on a street close to the Ralph Lauren mansion. However exciting the sighting was, it s just as fabulous to send it in to Gawker! My whole Big Apple experience is now complete.

I had an early dinner next to Julianne Moore at Piccolo Angelo in the West Village last Saturday 3/12, around 6pm. She was there with her kids, and either her mother or a Nanny, looking casual yet radiant. Dressed down in jeans, a dark green long sleeve shirt and minimal (if any) make-up, she was absolutely gorgeous in person. And so were her kids!

Julia Stiles and friends in the VIP section at the Ari Hest/Vanessa Carlton concert last night (3/16) at Irving Plaza.

Saw Liev Schrieber ducking in to some random office building next to Colony Records in Times Square. At first I thought, "Hey, that dude looks exactly like Liev Schrieber with a dumb mustache," and then lo and behold, I see current pictures of Messr. Schrieber sporting exactly the same dumb mustache! I guess he feels like he needs a mustache to truly embody Ricky Roma in "Glengarry Glenn Ross." Having just watched a soundless "Manchurian Candidate" over the shoulder of the man sitting next to me on the Acela to Boston last week, I was particularly impressed.

Saw Joy Bauer of "The View" on Sunday (3/12) looking relaxed and very Sunday-chic at the JCC on the Upper West Side prior to an Israel-inspired fashion show...She was very cordial.

I went out downtown last night, and ended up in a crowded bar. At one of the tables I spotted Albert Hammond Jr, Julian Casablancas and some other of the Strokes-family. They all looked very well-dressed and stylish, and they had all their focus at the live band, a swedish band called Southside Stalkers. The female singer was an extremely adorable blond chick, and after the show she joined the boys for some serious drinking. She and a Stroke were very, eh, friendly, and they left the place after awhile. The rest of them continued their drinking, though.

please please forgive me for writing in, but i could not resist with this particular star sighting. yesterday at the crunch on 13th street. chris noth came in looking like all hell, huge swollen stomach as if he had just swallowed a whole ham, beady, puffy eyes like he had indulged in a late-night of boozing, and what appeared to be the bottom half of a juicy sweatsuit, tan-and-brown striped low-waisted velour sweats fashionably flared out above his sneakers. he reminded me of this guy that my dad used to play tennis with in the 70s. there was nothing even remotely sexy about him... hardly the mr. big masturbatory fantasy of all our dreams. not even the waspy girls heavy-breathing their way through spin class cast a glance in his direction.

Last night (03/16) some friends and I attended a super cliche, 80s-themed, birthday skating party at the Roxy. The highlight was when someone asked a random Plain Jane to take our group shot. She looked a little skittish so my friend repeated the question and she replied, "Oh, you want me to take YOUR picture?" Which was when someone noticed her date lurking in the background was none other than 80s Icon Andrew McCarthy. Poor dear, we didn't want to take THEIR picture — but at least she wins for best accessory.

Thirsty for a cup of Frap, I went into one of the numerous Starbucks (the one near Penn Station), and lo and behold, it's John Turturro sitting with another man- possibly someone involved in the industry? I tried to eavesdrop, but all I heard was John mentioning "melodrama" and the other guy scribbling down notes. A possible project? His hand tried to cover his face, probably after he realized me jumping up and down with glee. He looks just as I imagined him to be, but I'm surprised more people didn't recognize him. Come on, Barton Fink, Jungle Fever, even Mr. Deeds !?!?

3/17, 4pm- Either I saw Dean Cain walking down Bleecker with a baby on his shoulders or some other Dean Caine-ish dude with baby shit.

I saw David Eigenberg, Steve from Sex and the City, in the D'ag on 17th Street in Chelsea. It is not the first time I saw him but this time he was with a lady friend. Lady friend was pushing the cart while Steve, uh I mean David was doing the shopping.

Last night (3/14) at 8:00 I saw Randy Jackson with two buddies sitting in the lobby of the Maritime Hotel trying to be noticed by everyone who passed by. (which on a Monday night is like 6 people/hour) He looks so much like Al Roker. Why was he there/ Doesn't he have a very important job to do? Then, when I went in to have dinner at La Bottega... Julie Christie..... I shit you not .... looking gorgeous and brunette at a large table in the middle of the restaurant. She's so amazing. I wished I had a little red plastic raincoat for her to autograph!

Tuesday night, a tiny Alanis Morissette eating a late dinner at a (mostly empty) Dos Caminos Park Avenue with two people (non-descript guy and girl). Rushed from dinner into waiting black car outside. Friday noon, Steve Forbes (does he count as a celebrity) waiting in line at the Rock Center Wendy's by himself; talk about glamorous. Saturday night, Adam Duritz of Counting Crows, still with ridiculous Sideshow Bob haircut, hanging out with a bunch of younger, clean-cut college guys at a packed lounge on Houston (called Sixes and Eights maybe? Long night).

Hey, Al Roker is my next door neighbor, so i see him everyday in his kitchen, playing on the computer or doing dishes.

was in a toronto (come on, its canada's new york!) h&m earlier this evening and saw maria bello. she was drowning in a gigantic shearling coat that looked like it belonged to her late grandfather and hence was falling off of her shoulders rather unattractively. her hair was chopped shortish, layered, and very yellow. she was very petite and wasnt wearing any makeup so her skin looked a bit verite-rough a la "the cooler." but she was still pretty cute (and fairly young mid 30s?). she was having trouble carrying all her clothing and i had to restrain myself from asking if shed provide alms for the poor or, at least, buy me a couple of shirts i had found that i couldnt afford. but she was out the door—with a last quick finger of a hideous peach gauzy skirt—before i could earnestly make my request.

Was in line behind Bob Saget yesterday at a deli on the corner 43rd and 8th. He was friendly and said excuse me when he had to get by me. He was also really, really tall...