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Over on, a writer for the Associated Press takes a long, hard look at Slipknot, "the angry band with the scary masks." (Hey, that's their headline, not ours.) Apparently Slipknot—whose members wear fright masks and numbered jumpsuits—isn't gimicky. They're serious. Crazy serious:

Q: Why wear masks?

JORDISON: It shows we're a solid unit. All of us coming together for a purpose. The masks are a physical representation of how the music makes us feel.

TAYLOR: It's really easy to compare us to stuff like that, because we wear masks. But we don't write about horror movies, we don't go out of our way to act like a horror movie.

CHRIS FEHN: I think this band is made up of a mental sickness. When I joined the band, before and after practice, they'd be looking online at murder photos, death and bondage photos.

TAYLOR: We had issues.

Q: What kind of issues?

TAYLOR: You don't have enough time, or tape. And you'd have to go get help afterward. All you have to really do is listen to our music.

Q: Seriously, what is your problem?

TAYLOR: As far as our beefs go, you'd have to grow up in Des Moines, Iowa, and really deal with the things that we had to deal with. I don't want to get into my background because I already talked about it on albums so I don't want to rehash. But there are real beefs that we have, and it hasn't changed since day one why we do this.

It's actually an awesome interview. Marti DiBergi couldn't have done better himself.

The angry band with the scary masks [AP, CNN]