The Times hasn't even agreed to our proposal for a column called "His Name is My Name, Too!," yet we already have one of the column's first participants. Ladies and gentleman, allow us to reprint the scariest phrase you will ever read in your life:

Questions About Mayor Candidate Ann Coulter

Whoa... Wipe that spewed coffee off of your monitor, buddy.

It's not the Ann Coulter, scourge of liberals and baked goods everywhere. It's 51 year-old Ann Coulter, mayoral candidate from Chattanooga, TN.

Like our Annie, this Coulter has a wicked sense of humor. According to an Opinion piece on

[A] group called "Citizens Aganist An Atheist Mayor" circulated an e-mail in which Ann Coulter refused to speak at the YMCA because she was"not young, not a man, and not a Christian." She later stated that the comment was made tongue in cheek and was not to be taken seriously.

We already like her ten billion times better than the other Ann Coulter and we wish her best of luck in her campaign.

Ann Coulter [The Pulse]
Questions About Mayor Candidate Ann Coulter [Chattanoogan]
View From Lookout: Ann Coulter Flap- Denying Christ? [Chattanoogan]